Nowadays, many parents pay attention to their children's writing training. However, after many children attend writing training classes, parents often find that the children's pen-holding posture is standard when writing in the training class, but it changes back to the "original shape" as soon as they return home or go to school; When children practice calligraphy, their writing is neat and beautiful, but when it comes to homework or test papers, it completely changes. What should I do if my handwriting looks good when I practice calligraphy but not when I write homework for exams? In fact, this is the separation of "calligraphy" and "writing" that occurs when children first learn calligraphy. Writing comes back to writing, and practice comes back to practice.


Writing is a daily habitual activity for students. Normally taking notes in class is "writing", and doing homework at home is "writing". The practice once or twice a week (two hours each time) is not practiced until training in the training class. It is "calligraphy practice", which is obvious. The time and habits of "writing" far exceed the time and habits of "calligraphy practice".

In addition, the homework burden is too heavy. In order to complete the amount of homework, I often write for speed rather than beauty. If I write as seriously as I do calligraphy, I don’t know when the homework will be completed.

As a result, some parents and children lamented: What is the use of practicing calligraphy? It is of no use at all when it comes to actually writing assignments and exams.

In fact, it is not something that can be achieved overnight by replacing the habit of "writing" with the habit of "practicing calligraphy". Although it is said that "there is no one hundred days of calligraphy work", in these "hundred days", you have to persevere and practice hard, uninterruptedly, in order to be able to work hard. This "hundred days of work" means at least two hours of calligraphy practice every day. How long will it take to complete this "100-day work" with one or two exercises (two hours each time).

You must know that it is a long-term training process to truly develop good and fast handwriting. Parents should not be impatient and children should practice diligently.

Generally, after writing training, children have mastered the correct writing posture and pen holding method, as well as the basic rules of strokes and structure of writing Chinese characters, which will lay a good foundation for writing. With persistent practice, they will eventually be able to "practice calligraphy" The habit of "writing" replaced the habit of "writing", and I gradually became good at writing. At the same time, I continued to hone my character and cultivate my temperament in writing.

Therefore, when it comes to children's calligraphy practice, parents should establish a correct understanding and a peaceful attitude towards their children's handwriting problems, fight a protracted battle with their children, work hard on calligraphy, and guide their children to cultivate persistence in calligraphy practice. Quality, and slowly experience your own progress from it. If you insist on practicing calligraphy according to the calligraphy teacher's requirements every day, your hard work will eventually pay off and your children will be able to write fast and beautiful calligraphy.