There are many types of copybooks. What kind of pen calligraphy stickers, calligraphy brush copybooks, etc.? Copybooks are the silent teacher for beginners. Beginners should pay special attention to the choice of copybook, because the quality of the copybook will have a great impact on the beginner's practice and future development. We believe that it is better to choose pen calligraphy to practice pen calligraphy. Especially for beginners, using calligraphy brush calligraphy to learn pen calligraphy is half the effort with half the effort. So what kind of calligraphy stickers should I choose to get started with calligraphy?

Whether it is soft pen or hard pen, there are five styles of writing: regular script, running script, cursive script, official script, and seal script. Modern people mostly write in regular script and running script. There are two main principles for choosing a pen and calligraphy copybook:

1. Choose a template you like. If you like it, you will have the enthusiasm to practice it, which will bring smooth progress to beginners;

2. Choose excellent models that are recognized by experts. There are indeed some low-quality copybooks popular in society at present, which is an inevitable phenomenon in a commodity society. If beginners choose randomly, they may go astray, not only wasting time and energy, but may also get into some bad habits. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing copybooks.

For beginners, should they practice regular script first, running script first, or official script or cursive script first?

Regarding this issue, I think: primary school students should practice regular script first; junior high school students can practice running script; senior middle school students or college students, or teenagers with a certain foundation of regular script can practice running script.

Special attention should be paid to those with messy fonts. They should discard all their fonts and practice regular script first and then running script. Once you have a foundation in regular script, other fonts will become easier. Do not practice cursive script and seal script first.

Let’s first analyze your personality in terms of writing speed and recommend fonts for your calligraphy practice.

1. People who write quickly

This kind of person is like a wild horse, unrestrained, free, unrestrained, and bold. He will definitely not be able to write regular script and official script. Running script and cursive script are most suitable for you. But if you want to calm down your temper, you can secretly practice regular script at home. What you practice is not the words, but the heart.

2. People who write slowly

You have a relatively reserved personality and are as gentle as water. In fact, official script is the best for you, but there are too few applications of official script now. Practice regular script, stroke by stroke, square and upright, just like being a human being, upright, step by step, and develop steadily.

3. People who write neither quickly nor slowly

You are a moderate, haha. Go fast when you want, go slow when you want. You have strong self-control and adaptability. Xingkai 4 must be your common font. Use words to train your mind and achieve things with your heart.

In fact, in the end, it still depends on your own preferences. If you like it, it deserves respect as long as it doesn't hinder others. Feel free to pursue it boldly.

Okay, without further ado, now I recommend a copybook for everyone who wants to practice calligraphy.

【regular script】

1. First place: Tian Yingzhang

Teacher Tian was born in Ou Kai, and has a deep family background. His decades of skills are one of the best in the contemporary era. The written words look like printed words, and they have developed their own unique style. Its characteristics are: simple, clear, practical and fast, which can greatly facilitate calligraphers to quickly improve their writing skills in a short period of time.


Second place: Lu Zhongnan

From the beginning, I wanted to learn from Lu Zhongnan, but after thinking about it, I felt that Tian Yingzhang was more suitable. It’s not about the level of my calligraphy, it’s about the fact that my calligraphy style is very close to Tian Yingzhang’s. Teacher Lu's calligraphy is elegant and incorporates elements such as face and body. It is relatively rich, full of color and flavor, and his writing is very authentic.


Third place: Gu Zhongan

Teacher Gu's calligraphy seems more feminine than Lu Zhongnan's. It may be that the horizontal strokes are more curved than Lu Zhongnan's, making the overall look rounder. The same goes for running script, which is wider at the top and narrower at the bottom, rigorous and unobtrusive. It depends on what you like, I think it's a bit restrictive.


Fourth place: Ding Yongkang

Teacher Ding's calligraphy is very masculine, with a structure like steel and precise strokes. I personally like it very much. And the cursive calligraphy of his inscriptions is so beautiful that it makes your heart beat faster and you can’t stand it!


[running script]

First place: Tian Yingzhang

Teacher Tian mainly has a foundation in European style. His running script incorporates the writing styles of the two kings, Zhao Mengfu and Prince Cheng. It is upright, elegant, and beautiful! Very upright in style, very plump and sparse. I learned his calligraphy, but it is recommended that you have your own style by the time you reach 80%. Running script is not only about words, but also about mood and personality.


Second place: Qian Peiyun

Teacher Qian's running script has the trinity style of "show, strength and smoothness", which is smooth and enjoyable. Many people start learning hard-pen calligraphy by copying Teacher Qian's handwriting. His characters are long and thin, which is suitable for friends who write with thin characters.


Third place: Gu Zhongan

Teacher Gu's calligraphy is also traditional and has the flavor of the times. His running script is smooth and unrestrained, powerful and elegant, and has the charm of brush calligraphy. His solid skills and years of hard work have made his calligraphy popular among readers, and I personally think it is relatively easy to get started with.


Fourth place: Sima Yan

Recommended for entry-level enthusiasts, its features are concise and clear, not sloppy, there are few cursive strokes in running script, and solid basic skills. Sima Yan's calligraphy is very popular, and the one that suits most people is the best.


Fifth place: Wu Yusheng

Teacher Wu's running script has a free and unrestrained writing style, smooth and convenient, free and elegant, and beautiful and durable. Although it is not easy to get started, if you really work hard, the effect will be great, and it will be very comfortable to write with flowing clouds and flowing water.


Sixth place: Shen Honggen

Teacher Shen's calligraphy is very vigorous and dangerous, soft yet boney. It has the legacy of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the foundation of Mi Fu, and the free and easy style of Huang Tingjian. However, it is not recommended for beginners to practice it. It can be used as a person with a certain foundation of hard writing, because his calligraphy has A very deep cursive foundation for support.


Seventh place: Zhang Xiu

Finally, I would like to recommend a female master whose calligraphy shows strength in the show, charm in the show, and simplicity in the show. Both regular script and running script are available, and the style is very high. It is very suitable for girls to use as a writing template.


After reading these, I believe you already have the font you want to choose in your mind. Once you have made your choice, keep practicing.