The child's writing posture is incorrect, the font is irregular, the writing is messy and illegible, the writing is tired, slow, and messy. If you fail to answer the exam questions, you will lose your paper points, which will affect your scores in the quiz, high school entrance exam, and college entrance exam! Are calligraphy training classes reliable? 15 Calligraphy Practice Network tells you why you must go to a calligraphy class to practice calligraphy! Because only through the guidance of formal calligraphy training institutions and professional teachers can you have beautiful calligraphy, unique opportunities, and win high scores in exams.     



Moreover, the Ministry of Education has made clear requirements for students to learn traditional culture:

1. The lower grades of primary schools can initially understand commonly used Chinese characters, feel the beauty of Chinese characters, recite simple ancient poems, gain preliminary emotional experience, feel the beauty of the language, understand hometown customs and traditional etiquette, learn basic etiquette in dealing with others, and initially experience classic folk art;

2. Senior primary school students can write block letters proficiently, understand the cultural meaning of Chinese characters, appreciate the beautiful structural art of Chinese characters, recite classics of ancient poetry and prose, and cultivate students' interest in traditional sports activities;

3. At the junior high school stage, students should copy the calligraphy of famous artists, appreciate the beauty and artistic conception of calligraphy, have a preliminary understanding of the rhythm of ancient poetry, read simple classical Chinese, appreciate traditional music, drama, art and other artistic works, feel the emotions and thoughts expressed in them, and participate in traditional etiquette and festivals Activity. In the 2015 Chinese language test paper of Beijing High School Entrance Examination, the first question is the calligraphy question, and the calligraphy questions and the test paper account for 30% of the total score.

4. High school students should read longer traditional cultural classics, improve their appreciation of classical literature and traditional arts, and enhance national self-confidence.

5. At the university level, focus on improving students' independent learning and inquiry abilities, cultivating students' awareness of cultural innovation, and enhancing students' sense of responsibility and mission in inheriting and promoting China's excellent traditional culture.

Calligraphy training classes are also more beneficial to children’s learning and growth.

1. Enrich cultural knowledge

When children copy calligraphy posts in the calligraphy training class, they will be exposed to many beautiful poems, famous sayings, and Chinese classics. The more they are exposed to them, the more they will naturally memorize them by heart, enriching their knowledge and improving their cultural literacy. Finally, the benefit of children practicing calligraphy is not only "practical", but more importantly, the process of writing, which is actually a process of cultivating aesthetic ability, improving one's own cultural accomplishment, and cultivating sentiment. Practicing calligraphy will benefit us throughout our lives, especially primary school students. We should lay a good foundation for writing and not let bad writing habits affect our lives.

2. Improve concentration

For children who are inattentive and careless, learning calligraphy can change these. Chinese character writing pays attention to structure, strokes, and charm. It is a very delicate activity. To practice calligraphy well, you must be very focused and attentive. The requirements are quite focused. Regular calligraphy practice will help improve children's concentration.

3. Promote physical and mental development

Practicing calligraphy requires the comprehensive use of finger, wrist and arm movements, and the brain needs to fully coordinate the movements and flexibility of these limbs. Therefore, it can be said that children's insistence on practicing calligraphy is conducive to promoting the growth and development of the brain. Primary and secondary school students are in their golden period of development, and they need to seize this great opportunity to promote brain development.

4. Enhance self-confidence

Writing is a basic skill for primary school students. Writing better than ordinary students will easily win the favor of the teacher and attract the envy of other students, which will enhance children's self-confidence. Children with excellent calligraphy can participate in municipal, provincial, and national calligraphy competitions, especially the national on-site calligraphy competitions in recent years, which can train children. Students come back from the competition with stronger self-confidence and become better and better at learning.

5. Improve learning efficiency

Some children are restless, unable to concentrate, cannot sit still when doing homework, and cannot study with peace of mind, resulting in low learning efficiency and difficulty in improving their grades. Persistent practice of calligraphy will help children calm down, cultivate concentration, and improve learning efficiency.

6. Improve academic performance

Practicing calligraphy can easily help children develop good study habits and improve their scores in exams, especially important entrance examinations such as the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. Beautiful handwriting on the paper can earn extra points.

7. Cultivate perseverance

Writing well requires repeated practice and long-term persistence. In the process of persistent calligraphy practice, children's perseverance is naturally developed. It should be noted that many children are playful and active and cannot persist in practicing calligraphy. This requires parents to set a good example for their children. It is recommended to practice calligraphy with their children to give them the confidence and motivation to persist.

8. Cultivation of sentiment

Calligraphy is the quintessence of our country and has a long history of development. In this long river of language and writing, countless inspirational stories and learning models have emerged. For example, Wang Xizhi studied calligraphy so that all the water in the pond was filled with ink, Tang Huaisu used banana leaves to write books without paper, and Yan Zhenqing was an official with a noble character of being upright and willing to die rather than surrender... These deeds passed down through the ages have a strong appeal in cultivating children's moral character and perseverance. .

Therefore, in the process of practicing calligraphy, children can also enrich their knowledge, improve their connotation, enhance communication among classmates, broaden their horizons, and cultivate their artistic sentiment. Do you think it is reliable to practice calligraphy in a calligraphy training class?