Whose fountain pen copybook is the best for practicing? Many beginners will be confused. In the past, Pang Zhonghua’s calligraphy was more popular, but Pang’s copybook was unique and not suitable for everyone. Now we recommend that those who want to practice pen calligraphy, including girls, can try Teacher Tian Ying Zhang Tian’s calligraphy. Mr. Tian, ​​whose courtesy name is Cunqing or Cunqing, was born in Tianjin in 1950. He is a graduate student in calligraphy and a cadre of the National Personnel Department. He graduated from Capital Normal University and Tokyo Gakugei University in Japan. calligrapher.

Previous posts: Clerk appointed by the State Council, director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Talents Training Center of the Ministry of Personnel, executive director of the Painting and Calligraphy Talent Qualification Committee, president of the Chinese Modern Hard-tipped Calligraphy Research Association, first president of the Chinese Hard-tipped Calligraphy Association, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Ouyang He is the president of the Calligraphy Art Research Association, the secretary-general of the Wang Xizhi Stele Forest Preparatory Committee, the honorary president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, a professor at the Japanese Academy of Chinese Calligraphy, a consultant to the Japanese Calligraphy Association, and the vice-chairman of the Japanese International Calligraphy and Painting Artists Alliance. He once served as the vice president of the "Chinese Talents" magazine of the Ministry of Personnel, director of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Talent Training Center of the Ministry of Personnel, and a lifelong calligrapher of the China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute.

The following pictures are Tian Yingzhang's hard-pen calligraphy copybooks. Tian Yingzhang studied European style, so his pen calligraphy is also based on European style. The font is slender, the main pen is stretched, and the middle palace is tightened. When writing, you should pay attention to these characteristics, and it will be easier to write well. The method is to memorize the way to write a radical, such as three points of water. They are almost written in the same way, with little difference. You only need to remember one, and then write this way every time you encounter three points of water, so that you can easily write His characteristics. Although art is valuable in its change, it still requires a certain level of writing. As the saying goes, "writing is easy but calligraphy is difficult." First of all, you will read the posts. It is very important to understand the posts. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. You will slowly understand. Once you understand, it will be easy to change.










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