Whether regular script is the basic skill of calligraphy has been debated for many years. How to answer this question objectively? Of course the answer is yes: "yes"! But also remember the words that follow: “Nor.”

Let’s talk about “yes” first. Regular script is the basic skill. We will discuss more about the three writing techniques and structural aspects of Kai Xing Cao.

The first aspect refers to technology and techniques. The technique of regular script, that is, the brushwork, is used in both running script and cursive script. Excellent and classic cursive script works of ancient and modern times all have the shadow of regular script brushwork. For example, Sun Guoting's most famous cursive script "Shupu" is entirely based on regular script. Every word and every stipple has the basic skills of regular script. Without the foundation of regular script, "Shu Pu" would not have been written like this, nor could it have been written so well.

Secondly, the role of regular script is to be "stable", while running script and cursive script are often "unstable" during the writing process, and many people will unconsciously "trust the reins" when writing. Although running script and cursive script must be supported by speed, the speed also has a rhythm. It must be fast and slow, urgent and slow, light and heavy, otherwise the writing will be a mess and unorganized. How to do it? This requires the "stability" of regular script. With "stability", when writing running script or cursive script, you can better grasp the speed and scale of writing. From this perspective, regular script is indeed the basic skill of calligraphy. Strictly speaking, regular script is indeed the basic skill of running script and cursive script. This statement is correct.

Let's talk about "no" again. Regular script is not the basic skill of calligraphy. This statement is also correct. First of all, regular script is not the basic skill of seal script and official script, because seal script and official script matured before regular script, and regular script just sprouted at the end of the Han Dynasty, and was basically finalized after going through the Eastern and Western Jin, Sui, and Tang dynasties. Although regular script, seal script, and official script all have the commonality of "striving for stability" in writing speed, this is not the main influencing factor. The writing techniques of seal script and official script have been formed previously and have their own unique techniques. Judging from the historical development sequence, the writing style of regular script is learned from seal script and official script. Therefore, regular script is not the basic skill of seal script and official script. It makes sense to say that seal script and official script are the basic skills of regular script.

Moreover, when we discuss the basic skills of calligraphy, we often stick to a certain style of calligraphy, but do not pay attention to its universal issues. The basic skills of calligraphy are firstly the ability to control the brush, and secondly, the virtual and real structure, the layout of the chapter, and the overall atmosphere. mastery ability. Zhao Ziang said: "Using a brush is not easy through the ages, and the structure is passed down from time to time." Paying attention to the use and control of the brush is a core issue that remains unchanged through the ages. Therefore, the basic skills of calligraphy are not hidden in a certain style of calligraphy, but in the ability to control the brush. As long as If you are good at using the pen, any calligraphy style or structure can come naturally.