Answer: Yes, this is the contemporary calligrapher Deng Sanmu (Deng Sanmu’s cursive calligraphy is immersed in the Erwang calligraphy system. His works are free, fluent and elegant, fresh, round and euphemistic, not aggressive but full of feminine beauty; he is a master of seal script and official script. From Xiao Hui'an, he either used calligraphy brushwork euphemistically or used epigraphic brushwork vigorously, showing a bold, vigorous, simple and majestic atmosphere, and created a cursive seal script with a strong personal style; the regular script is mainly Tang Kaiscript, and the northern stele is also written. , especially in small regular script.) What Mr. Deng said makes sense. When writing "horizontal", it should be slightly slanted, with the left side lower and the right side higher. The slope is about 5-7 degrees. Do not go below 5 degrees. No higher than 7 degrees. This is because human eyesight is not balanced. If the "horizontal" drawing is written as straight, then due to the illusion of the two eyes, it will seem that the end of the right end has fallen down, which is very unnatural.


The "vertical" painting of Chinese characters is more important and plays a pillar role in a character. Yu Shinan said in "Bi Sui Lun Commentary" (quoting Wang Xizhi's words): "A crossbow is necessary for vertical painting, and fighting is important for heroism." Therefore, writing vertical paintings must be vigorous and powerful. Such as Zhong, Niu, Qian, Shan, etc.