Some parents left messages asking me, what should I do if their children are already in senior class, but their writing is too slow? Now, will analyze this problem and its reasons:


First, writing too early

Many parents teach their children to write when they are three or four years old. Kindergartens also regard teaching and writing as an important task. Writing is not a trivial matter. It involves the coordination and balance of multiple senses, as well as muscle strength, fine movements and other issues. Due to the brain These functions are still immature (sensory integration disorder, brain network is not formed), and seemingly simple writing is actually completely different from drawing, graffiti, and writing numbers. Too early, children often need to use all their strength to write a word, and the handwriting will be very heavy. However, the child's thinking development is very advanced. He has a paragraph in his mind, but only writes one or two words. The child cannot speed up the movement, but can only slow down the thinking. As time goes by, by the first and second grade, not only the movement is slow, but the thinking is also slow. slow. Listening, speaking, reading and writing, this is the order in which the four major language centers of the brain develop. It takes about two years for each center to mature. Although it is not coherent, it must follow the rules of center development. Any advance All will have negative consequences.

The second is that behavioral development is too poor.

Nowadays, only children have everything replaced by their parents, and children are deprived of their expected behavioral development such as touching, crawling, rolling, hitting, and jumping, which prolongs or aggravates sensory integration disorders and leads to integration disorders. For example, if children hold too little, they will have poor sense and fine movements. Another example is that they cry and laugh too little, lack exercise of oral muscles, and even have poor language expression. Children's thinking development depends on movement. Too many parents like to deprive their children of their behavioral development. Even a 13-year-old child is still being fed!

The third is eraser syndrome.

Since children think faster than they move, it is normal for them to miss pens, make mistakes, omit writing, and skip words. However, teachers and parents do not understand. They ask them to use an eraser, and they erase and erase their writings. They often scratch the notebooks and even write. Staying on that word, you will not realize that the fluency of children's thinking is more important than correctness and beauty, imagination is more important than intelligence, and seeking standards and perfection not only hinders the development of thinking, but also aggravates the delay of movement.

Fourth, children's concept of time has not been established.

There is no difference in the eyes of children whether you write fast or slowly. How to change? The focus of change is actually first and foremost the parents’ own educational behavior, then the parent-child relationship, and finally the issue of good handwriting. Parents first play a writing game, such as wood, forest, and forest. Dad writes ten times, and mother writes ten times. Count the seconds. If the child sees it and is willing to try it, and gives appropriate rewards, he will know how to write fast. It’s not the same as writing slowly. At the same time, let the children arrange their own lives, never do everything else, and improve their overall mobility. If they don't start from here, all methods will have no effect.

Letting children learn to write is an arduous training process, and it is also a habit. Parents must first patiently correct their children's writing habits, let them write correctly, and test how long it takes them to complete the task, so that they can understand their true speed. , if the child can complete it quickly and ensure the quality, appropriate encouragement must be given so that the child can be passionate about writing.