What should I do if my child writes slowly?


There are 3 main reasons:

1. Poor time concept, slack writing state and no sense of urgency;

2. The child is not interested in writing and deliberately delays it;

3. I have less practice with new words. I often hesitate and pause when writing, and need to check the book again.

4. The posture of holding the pen is incorrect and the pen cannot be used, resulting in poor fine motor skills.


1. For children with poor time concept, parents set time limits for their children. For example, copy a paragraph of about 100 words in 5 minutes.

2. For children who are not interested in writing, slow writing is a kind of subjective friction. Remember: good kids are praised. Parents should be good at discovering the bright spots of their children, and encourage them more, stimulate their competitiveness, and recognize their children.

3. Strengthen your memory through scientific calligraphy practice methods for the new characters required in the book. This will kill two birds with one stone. You can learn the new characters and write them well at the same time.

4. Wrong writing posture not only leads to slow writing, but also affects the normal development of the body, such as myopia, stooping, hunchback, etc. It is recommended to find the correct sitting posture chart to help children correct it.