What should I do if my child's handwriting doesn't look good? This problem is a very troublesome issue for parents. Moreover, the child's handwriting is not good and he suffers a lot during the exam. He can obviously get full marks, but he is deducted two or three points because of his sloppy handwriting. Some parents told me that they usually pay attention to all kinds of things, but they just can't correct it. They are so anxious. What should I do?

Well, the teacher at 15 Calligraphy Practice Network just wants to say that children’s calligraphy practice is a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight. It can only be achieved by supporting each other with correct calligraphy methods and skills, so parents, don’t say that you are blind. Many people follow the public and sign up their children for calligraphy training classes, but parents still need to pay attention to the problem of their children's illegible handwriting!

1. Reasons why children’s handwriting is not good-looking

1. Personality influence. The development of writing habits does not happen overnight. It is closely related to the child's own personality. Some studies have shown that children with a lively and cheerful personality will relax when writing and pay less attention to the strokes of Chinese characters, while children with a well-behaved personality will have better handwriting skills. Delicate and elegant, her writing skills are very standardized.

2. Correct writing guidance decreases as the grade increases. Many parents will find that when their children are in the first or second grade, even though they are young and have poor pen control, they can write carefully stroke by stroke. By the third or fourth grade, the children obviously do not write seriously and cannot write well. The words are scrawled like that.

3. Irregular writing strokes

Many children have reverse stroke order when writing!

Whether a child has just learned to write or is already in third or fifth grade, he or she will often make mistakes in the order of strokes when writing. Do you sometimes need to think for a while when writing a word? Sometimes, even the stroke order of the written words may not be correct.

Chinese character stroke sequence table


The rules of stroke writing of Chinese characters must be kept in mind

①The starting stroke of horizontal and vertical strokes is heavier, and the stroke of tapping is lighter;

② The strokes should be paused slightly at the turning point, slightly heavier and slightly slower;

③ When lifting the hook, the pen should be slightly paused and slightly heavy at first, and then gradually become brisk, and the pen should be closed and pointed;

④All strokes are written in one stroke and cannot be redrawn;

⑤When the strokes form Chinese characters, some shapes will change slightly, so please pay attention when writing.

4. The influence of interest. Whether a thing can arouse children's interest is very important. When children encounter something they like and are interested in, they will be very focused on doing it and will not be easily disturbed by the external environment. When children face them When you don't like something that you are not interested in, you will instantly lose the ability to control yourself. You will treat the matter as playing, and playing is the nature of children.

5. Attitudinal impact. With the increase in schoolwork and the content of homework, it takes a lot of time to complete, which makes many children become impetuous when writing homework. They just want to complete the homework quickly and have no energy to write one stroke at a time. I didn't think carefully about it at all, so I just corrected it if I made a mistake. The handwriting slowly began to be scrawled, making it look messy and disorganized.

2. The importance of writing standards

1. As the saying goes: "Life starts with writing wisely." Writing Chinese characters well is an essential skill for lifelong learning and development. Cultivating children with standardized writing habits from an early age plays an important role in their growth and future.

2. Improve children’s learning enthusiasm. When a child writes and completes his homework every day, the teacher will naturally praise the child and publicly praise the child in the class, so that everyone can imitate the child and encourage everyone to write well. The child is praised and his self-confidence is also improved. Naturally, the enthusiasm for learning will also increase.

3. Affects children’s academic performance. Parents should remind their children to be careful about deducting points if their handwriting is too sloppy. In a test paper, a test paper with neat handwriting and neat paper surface is a very comfortable thing for the teacher who marks the paper. In the Chinese test paper, especially in the composition, the content of the composition written by the children is inconsistent. Up and down, if you encounter something with illegible handwriting, the grading teacher doesn’t even want to look at it first, and just go to the middle or lower grade. If the child’s writing is neat and neat, it can give people a pleasing feeling, and the grading teacher will feel comfortable and visually satisfied. It’s not a bad idea to give a high score. In this way, the Chinese composition alone can be more than ten points higher than other children.

4. Create a good impression. Words are like people's words. Once a child's words are written, he will leave a good impression on the teacher and classmates, which will be helpful to the child in his study and life. If there are any activities in the school, the teacher will first consider giving the child opportunities to exercise. .

5. It can develop children’s brain. Using hands means using brains, and the two are inseparable. When children practice calligraphy with hands, they are also using their brains subconsciously. While practicing calligraphy, they exercise their brains and improve their brain power and memory. Why not do this!

3. How to help children write well

1. The correct selection of calligraphy tools. People at different learning stages have certain standards for the selection of pens and copybooks. Elementary and junior high schools are suitable for practicing regular script. When you are older, you can contact regular script or running script to speed up writing. The choice of pens for practicing calligraphy Knowledge also needs to be understood. It doesn’t have to be expensive or good-looking, but it must be the most suitable for you. It just needs to be easy to use and the water can flow smoothly.

2. Keep at it, don’t fish for three days and dry the net for two days. Practicing calligraphy is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires a certain process. Practice for 15-30 minutes every day, or practice one page. It usually takes 1-2 months. It will have good results, provided you choose the right pen and copybook.

3. When practicing calligraphy, you must maintain a good attitude and be focused on nothing. Concentrate on it for 15-20 minutes every day, carefully read and copy the posts, analyze the structure of the calligraphy, and practice calmly, so that you can be effective.

4. Don’t change fonts easily. Before practicing calligraphy, you must be clear about your purpose and what kind of font you want to practice. Don’t change fonts in the middle. Different fonts require different attention. If you give up halfway, people who often change fonts will only Making your fonts look different will not have a good effect.

It is every parent’s wish that their children write beautiful handwriting. Good writing habits are developed slowly over time. Correct your children’s writing problems as early as possible. The earlier you start, the easier it will be and the better the effect will be. Parents, please remember that you also play a vital role in developing the habit of writing in your children!