Except for extremely gifted geniuses, if you want to write good calligraphy, in addition to mastering calligraphy methods and techniques, the only thing left is to rely on time and continuous practice.


Each age group has its own aesthetic concept. This does not mean that everything a wise old man does is worthy of imitation, but that each age group should maintain its original color. Rushing for quick results often leads people to overlook the essence of something. This is how calligraphy is practiced, there are countless examples where the shapes are similar but the spirit is different. Practicing calligraphy is a state and a state of mind. Practicing calligraphy requires water of perception to bloom its wonderful flowers. 

Everyone has their own place, everyone has their own story, and everyone has their own handwriting. Only by finding your own position and savoring life in a down-to-earth manner will you reap your own fruits. 

Many parents don't know what age is best for children to practice calligraphy. In fact, it is better when they are 7-13 years old.

For some children, the time can be advanced. It depends on the development of each child. But generally speaking, it's completely fine at the age of seven. The ability of the finger muscles to control the pen is already very flexible at this time. 


7-13 years old is the age when children officially enter primary school, but before that, children are also exposed to writing in kindergarten, so parents should pay attention to the fact that children's pen holding posture and sitting posture must be correct, otherwise it will be difficult to correct them after school.

Nowadays, about 80% of children's pen-holding postures are wrong, which seriously affects children's writing and physical development. The main reason for the error is not paying attention to the pen-holding posture in kindergarten, and some teachers do not pay attention to it or the teacher's own pen-holding posture is wrong.   

The primary school stage is the golden period for practicing calligraphy. In this stage, the lower the grade, the better the effect, and the best effect is within one year. In elementary school, children's handwriting has not yet been formed, so it is very easy to practice. By junior high school, children's handwriting has basically been finalized, so the effect of calligraphy practice for middle and high school children is far less than that of primary school children. In addition, children in middle and high school are under too much pressure from homework, and they no longer have enough time to practice.

Nowadays, the country strongly advocates speaking Mandarin and writing standard characters. We advise parents not to miss the best time for their children to practice calligraphy. Generally, in primary school, it takes about three years of practice to fully achieve the goal of writing standard and beautiful words, which will be useful for a lifetime.