In the eyes of ancient calligraphers and calligraphy theorists, where should Ouyang Xun's calligraphy rank?

In other words, which level do they think it belongs to?

1. [Higher and lower quality]

(Tang Dynasty) Li Sizhen, in his "Houshu Pin", divided the calligraphers of the past dynasties into Yipin, Shangshangpin, Shangzhongpin, Shangxiapin, Zhongshangpin, Zhongzhongpin, Zhongxiapin, Xiashangpin, Xiaozhongpin and Xiaxiapin. Wait ten levels.

Among them, Ouyang Xun was ranked tenth among the "12 people of the upper and lower grades". Before Yu Shinan and Chu Suiliang.

2.【Wonderful product, energy product】

(Tang Dynasty) Zhang Huaiguan conducted an appraisal of ancient calligraphers in his "Book Break" "Volume", which was divided into three categories: divine products, wonderful products, and powerful products. Ouyang Xun was nominated four times as "Wonderful" in official script, running script, Feibai and cursive script; while Xiaozhuan and Zhangcao were listed as "high quality".

Zhang Huaiguan said in the following discussion: "Feibai, Li, and Xingcao are exquisite, and the large and small seal scripts and Zhangcao are capable."

3. [Can be entered into the product stream]

(Tang Dynasty) Dou Xun said in his "Shu Shu Fu", "Those who have witnessed before and after this book, and from the time of Wude to the beginning of Qian and Yuan Dynasty, those whose calligraphy and calligraphy are so wonderful that they can be ranked among the best, Xian Yishu Of."

Ouyang Xun is ranked ninth among the "Forty-Five People of the Tang Dynasty".

4. [Medium and top grade]

(Tang Dynasty) In the second volume of "Mo Sou" written by Wei Xu, "Ouyang Xunzheng and Xing" ranked eleventh among the "top fourteen people".

From this point of view, compared with Li Sizhen's ranking, it has been lowered: from "upper and lower" to "upper middle".

However, the "Fifth Book Review of Emperor Wu of Liang" in the book says: "Ouyang Xun's book is like a snake in the grass, lightning in the clouds, a king's angry eyes, or a strong man's fist."

5.【Wonderful Product】

(Song Dynasty) In "Sushu Duan", Zhu Changwen felt that "since the Kaiyuan Dynasty, there have been no records, and although the princes in the early Tang Dynasty may have had their biographies, their deeds were missing, or they may not have established biographies, so this article is It was missing. So I used Huaiguan examples to embellish what I heard and saw, from the time of the Xing Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty to the period between Xining and Ning in this dynasty." Calligraphers are also divided into three categories: divine quality, wonderful quality, and powerful quality.

Ouyang Xun also entered the list of "wonderful products", ranking third. The comment said: "His official writing is dense and dense, strong and unyielding, with the style of a gentleman enforcing the law and ignoring the court's criticism. As for his exquisite pointillism and precise mood, it is beyond comparison."

How to cut off the product?

(Qing Dynasty) Bao Shichen's "Yi Zhou Shuang Ji" has a criterion for judging "the quality of national and dynasty books":

Peaceful, simple, and natural, it is said to be a divine product.

There is no trace of brewing, and it is in harmony with each other horizontally and vertically, which is called a wonderful product.

After tracing the traces, the source is exhausted, and the thinking power is transferred to it, which is called Nengpin.

The self-singing tune of Chu tune is not unreliable and elegant, which is called Yipin.

There are signs of observance, elegance has a door, and it is said to be a good product.

However, according to modern people's thinking habits, it is clear to arrange them in order. Bao Shichen's order should be adjusted to: excellent products, wonderful products, divine products, powerful products, and excellent products.

I secretly believe that, according to the discussion of ancient calligraphy records, although Ouyang Xun's calligraphy is not considered to be a masterpiece, it still belongs to the category of wonderful and divine products.