The ancients said about calligraphy: First, one must have high moral character, and second, one must learn from the ancient methods. This is the method of calligraphy, and scholars must learn it. Therefore, if you are familiar with it, you must first cultivate all the virtues to familiarize yourself with it. Virtue is learned in the body, and writing is learned in the hands. This is how it becomes written. This article has compiled some words to encourage children to keep practicing calligraphy. You are welcome to read it.


1. Practice calligraphy, and even more practice your mind. It’s so hard to be calm now.

2. If you have an impetuous mind, nothing can make you calm down. Only when you have sustenance in your heart and concentrate on doing something that makes you feel hopeful can you calm down.

3. Practice calligraphy. Anything that allows you to devote yourself to it can make you calm and stable. Try to get involved.

4. The writing is like clouds and smoke.

5. The majestic brushstrokes and horizontal gestures are driven by a lack of heart and a lack of attention, which gives him the most life-infusing characteristics.

6. Geer said that Chinese calligraphy can best embody the spirit of Chinese culture.

7. Feng Zikai said: "All Chinese people should learn calligraphy, because the Chinese national spirit is entrusted in the pen."

8. Fast is good, slow is good, fast is bad, slow is bad. Among them, "fast and good" cannot be obtained through "fast and bad", but must be obtained through "slow and good".

9. There is nothing on the brow, but a thousand years of writing.

10. I have many talents and learnings since I was a child, and I have high ambitions in life. Others have swords, but I have a pen as sharp as a sword.

11. The book should be clear and thick, and clear and thick books must be based on the heart. Otherwise, although the book is spared from being thin and turbid, it is just a portrayal of others.

12. People have different personalities and different temperaments, and the style of writing will bring about the evil in its own way.

13. Words never take a hundred days.

14. Those who are good at calligraphy and painting are all good at both moral character and learning. When they are in the official position, they pay more attention to their political achievements and reputation, so they will be valued in future generations.

15. The snake in the painting seems to have a spirit.