First, let’s talk about why high school students practice calligraphy? A Shenzhen Chinese language test paper hit the screen and caused a huge response. Regardless of the controversy, one fact cannot be denied: the handwriting is so beautiful! Especially for the essay paper, everyone marveled at the young author's ability to write such exquisite and elegant words in the tense college entrance examination mock examination room, praised her proficient calligraphy skills, and were even more impressed by her calmness in everything she did. Many people raised their hands to approve the high score of 59 points given by the marking teacher. They did not expect that this test paper was so amazing!

As soon as the test paper was released, big names in Chinese language from all over the world continued to comment. In addition to the content, people were more amazed by the paper, and it was very lively for a while. The "Excellent Edition" is known as a rarity on the marking field. This kind of "copybook version" paper was scarce in the marking field, which seriously affected the mood of the marking teachers. The teachers were so surprised and overwhelmed that they naturally gave high marks! On the marking field, when you suddenly open this "Excellent Edition" test paper when you are tired and stressed, will your heart be shaken? Will you not improve your score? 


Therefore, some experts commented: The roll is perfect, and it is expected to be the number one in a single subject. Composition writing has this effect, and you have to give it a high score even if you don’t read the content! The success of this article lies in the fact that it starts with "appearance" and ends with "word value" becoming connotation!


Contrary to the above, if you see the handwriting of the student below when you are judging the paper, how many points can you give?

Now, even the usual small-scale examinations have begun to use "electronic grading"! Not to mention large-scale exams like the college entrance examination. Electronic grading also places more demands on students' writing standards and answering habits.

If you usually have these bad writing habits, you must consciously train and correct your habits from now on!

Now let’s get to the point and let’s talk about how high school students practice calligraphy? How to practice calligraphy for high school students

1. When practicing calligraphy, you must be calm, start well and end well, and cannot be impatient and perfunctory; when writing, you must be meticulous and every stroke must be written realistically; when some people practice calligraphy, they like to finish at the end This kind of scribbling is a taboo in calligraphy practice. It not only damages the life of the pen tip, but also destroys the progress just made after practicing for a long time.

2. Don’t change fonts easily! You must have perseverance and perseverance when practicing calligraphy, and you must practice solid basic skills; you must persist in practicing calligraphy regularly, and you cannot be exposed to the cold for three days, fishing for three days, and drying the net for two days; Note: one day of practice, one day of practice, and one day of rest. Practice Tokkaku; after mastering the font structure, you can choose the font you like and keep practicing it, and don't change the font easily; because once you change the font, you have to practice from the beginning again!

3. Learn to combine calligraphy with practice and writing. Some students write very well when practicing calligraphy, but they just mess up when doing homework. These students will never be able to practice calligraphy well. They usually use the calligraphy that they have practiced. When the time comes, you should be able to write as well as you did when you practiced. Use one word after another, learn by using it, use it while learning. Only by combining learning and application can you practice your calligraphy well!

If you can write beautiful handwriting, your test scores will definitely improve!

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