Parents must understand that posture is more important than words, as it is related to the growth of their children. Words can be remedied later in life, but if the bones are deformed, it will be difficult to return to normal. Once the pen is held, children must be taught the correct pen holding posture to avoid developing wrong pen holding postures that are difficult to correct in the future.

Children do not have a correct sitting posture, resulting in decreased vision and the need to wear glasses at a young age; or poor back bone development, leading to hunchback, and in severe cases, spinal problems. In addition to these, some children also have various weird writing postures such as lying down, crooked, prone, etc. These irregular postures can easily affect the quality and speed of writing, and most importantly, affect the health of their children. Parents must pay attention to this!


When children are learning to write in the early stages, they should be guided by the following 5 calligraphy practice methods suitable for children, which can lay a good foundation for better and faster writing in the future.

1. Touch method

When children are young, parents can make some simple Chinese characters into paper films and guide their children's hands to familiarize themselves with the outlines of the Chinese characters. Pay attention to writing with correct strokes to strengthen children's awareness of correct writing. There are ready-made models of this kind on the market now, and parents can choose and buy them themselves.

2. Calligraphy and Space Method

Parents hold their children's index fingers and draw Chinese characters in the air, or dip their children's fingers in some water and write on the table.

This method of practicing calligraphy is very interesting, and it can not only teach children to write, but also promote parent-child relationship.

3. Wording method

Use chalk to draw commonly used characters in Chinese characters on the ground and play a word-traveling game with your children. Following the words in the correct writing order can help children quickly remember the words and how to write them. This method can also practice children's memory and is a good choice for calligraphy practice.

4. Copying method

This method is closer to our classical calligraphy method. Find a better copybook and let the children copy or describe. But this method is more widely used for children in primary school.

After copying a certain number of times and becoming familiar with the glyphs, you can let your children write on their own. However, children should not practice calligraphy for more than 20 minutes at a time, and attention should be paid to the child's writing posture and hygiene.

5. Regular operation

Writing requires arm strength and finger flexibility and coordination, so children need to train this part of their abilities in daily life. For example, letting children hold scissors, tie buttons, tie shoelaces, etc. can help children learn basic self-care skills while exercising their arm muscles.

Writing may be a very boring thing for most children, so parents should increase the fun in the writing process. For example, play some games with your children such as writing, graffiti, etc. Once a child becomes interested, he will naturally like to write, and his writing ability will come naturally. Of course, don’t ask your children to write too early to avoid overpowering the situation and destroying your children’s interest in learning.

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