Words are like people. After hearing this saying for more than 30 years, the importance of good calligraphy is self-evident. So I was forced by my parents to practice calligraphy for a long time, and I even won a prize when I was in elementary school. However, I have given up practicing calligraphy since I entered high school. Over the years, I occasionally write seriously, but now I often deal with computers and mobile phones. Gradually, my handwriting is not as good as before.


It is also because of my family and my own experience that I have asked my children to write and practice calligraphy since they were in kindergarten. I don’t expect them to be proficient in calligraphy, but at least let their handwriting not be embarrassing. Of course, practicing is very hard, and children will often I can't stand my temper, but over time, I will naturally form a habit. Now that my child is in second grade, judging from the current development, his handwriting will not be much worse in the future. Of course, some friends have asked me how to improve their children's handwriting. After thinking about it, I can't explain these clearly in one or two sentences, so I will summarize this article in the hope that it will be helpful to you who are raising children.

1. Choose appropriate copybooks for practice

When children first learn to write, they don’t need to choose beautiful fonts to practice. This is not very suitable for them. However, there are no rules without rules, so I chose a grooved calligraphy book and asked them to follow the format in it first. Whether writing or practicing calligraphy, there must be rules and regulations. Most parents just want their children to look good, so there is no problem in choosing grooved calligraphy practice copybooks, because theirs are all stroke-by-stroke and square, so there is no need to specifically ask their children to practice with pens. Don't rush for success. Practicing handwriting is not the same as practicing calligraphy. Ordinary fountain pen calligraphy copybooks are more helpful.

2. Correct posture is important

The child's pen-holding posture will definitely not be very accurate when he first starts practicing calligraphy, so some parents will often correct the child's posture. However, people are lazy. As long as the parents cannot see it, the child will immediately change to the posture he likes. So I suggest that parents buy a pencil holder, which is sold on a certain store. This can correct the child's pencil holding posture, and also allows us as parents to worry less. We don't have to talk too much to our children and they will listen. If you don’t understand something, just hold the pen according to the pen holder.

The earlier you practice the pen holding posture, the better. Otherwise, it will be difficult to change once it is formed. Incorrect posture may also cause finger damage. I remember when I was in school, many students had a thick layer of calluses on the first section of the middle finger of their right hand. Of course, in addition to holding the pen, you must also ensure a correct posture when sitting. The upper body should be straight, the shoulders should be square, and the waist and back should be naturally straight. Sitting upright in front of the table will make your body seem to be elongated. In this way, you can write calmly and powerfully, and your head should be straight. , to keep your sight straight. Keep your eyes about one foot away from the paper, look directly at the end of the pen, and write accurately. Many people with myopia today are basically caused by reading in the past, and 80% of them are caused by incorrect reading and writing postures. Children's ciliary body is not strong enough, so the probability of myopia is greatly increased, so parents must pay attention when their children practice calligraphy.

3. What kind of pen do you use to practice calligraphy?

Pencils and pens both have frictional properties, so they are more controllable, and they also have some flexibility. I recommend that primary school students use pencils in the first and second grade, and then gradually transition to pens in the third grade, because third grade children will have better control. The pen has a large amount of water and is not easy to control when practicing calligraphy, and it can be put on the pencil. The pencil holder is just right for correcting children's pencil holding posture in first and second grade. For adults who are just learning calligraphy, I also recommend using a pencil first and then a pen, so that the words you practice will have a sharp edge. If you really don’t have a pen, you can use a gel pen instead, but if it is above 0.5, ballpoint pens are not recommended. .

4. Copy the article on the necessary calligraphy practice methods for children

The purpose of practicing calligraphy is to make your daily writing more beautiful and beautiful. Calligraphy can also express a person's personality and character. Therefore, if you want good results, you should also use the calligraphy you usually practice until it is written in regular script. Gradually remove other people's words when practicing calligraphy. There are traces of stroke characteristics. In this way, if the font is round, it is not far from beautiful.

I remember that when I was in primary school, my father supervised me to practice calligraphy, half an hour a day, and I lasted for about a month. Later, when I became interested, I would occasionally practice Pang Zhonghua. Later, I saw that the teacher's handwriting looked good. I would write it down several times, so at that time I often pretended to be the parents of my classmates to sign, haha. However, you must tell your children not to use this method to deceive themselves!

5. Maintain a learning attitude

Practicing calligraphy is a matter of patience. Not speaking of children, even as parents we cannot guarantee that we will persist all the time, so it is normal for children to be unable to sit still while writing. Therefore, when children first start practicing calligraphy, they must be accompanied by their parents. However, do not criticize. We can also practice with the children. In this way, we can not only improve the children's level, but also improve our own level, and also promote The relationship between parents and children.

The time for children to practice calligraphy should not be too long each time. Half an hour is enough. Half an hour a day will be much better than three days of fishing and two days of drying the net.

In fact, children's calligraphy practice requires more guidance and supervision from adults. It does not mean buying a copybook tool, showing a video instruction and letting the children write in the room for an afternoon. Children are young and their self-control ability is not strong. Speaking of children, even adults may not be able to hold on.

Therefore, the above introduction can be implemented under the premise of your company. Set aside half an hour every day to practice calligraphy with your child, so that you and your child can make progress together. In fact, this is a process of learning and growth.