If adults want to practice calligraphy quickly, they must master the following three tips for calligraphy practice:

1. Focus. Chinese character writing pays attention to structure, strokes, and charm. It is a very delicate activity. To write well, you must be very focused and require a lot of concentration.

2. Persistence. When practicing basic strokes, a simple stroke must be written in a standardized manner. You must write it several times or dozens of times. When you see that each stroke you write is more standardized and more progressive than the last one, you will see hope and cultivate and develop your strokes. After stimulating interest and persevering in practice, perseverance is developed, and this process permeates the cultivation of psychological quality.

3. Accumulation. When writing, you often come into contact with many beautiful poems, aphorisms and quotes from famous people. If you accumulate more, you can improve your own cultural accomplishment.


Master the following calligraphy methods and techniques

1. The choice of copybook.

There are many copybooks on the market now. You can use them for study based on your own preferences and which one you think has beautiful calligraphy. Personally, I think Tian Yingzhang's hard-pen calligraphy is very suitable. Tian Yingzhang's calligraphy is uniform, standardized, and easy to use. If you are willing to put in the effort, you will have it in a relatively short period of time, even to the point of being realistic.

2. Start with basic strokes.

Each stroke of regular script has its own specific writing rules and writing methods. There are three steps of starting the stroke, extending the stroke, and closing the stroke. During the writing process, the priorities of the strokes are also different. For each stroke, carefully observe the writing characteristics in the copybook, practice repeatedly, master the essentials of writing, and make it as realistic as possible (that is, it looks almost exactly like what is written in the copybook). 

3. Radical exercises and structural exercises

After you have almost practiced the basic strokes, the next step is to practice the radicals. In every writing, do "three things". That is, what you see with your eyes, your hands, and your heart. First of all, we need to observe the structure of the new characters in the Tian character grid. Some characters are narrow on the left and wide on the right, some characters are long on the left and short on the right, some characters are even on the left and right, and some characters must be humble to each other. It is clear that the parts of a character are in Tian After knowing the proportion and accurate position of the characters in the grid, then write, so that the strokes of the entire character will be even and reasonable. Of course, guidance in this area requires a lot of time and repeated training. 

In short, I think if adults want to practice calligraphy quickly, they can feel the joy of success in the "standard, correct, and neat" writing results, share the fun of writing, gain something from what they have learned, and apply what they have learned.