Do junior high school students write better than elementary school students? This is not necessarily the case! The handwriting written by some primary school students is very neat, several times more beautiful than the handwriting written by many junior high school students. When many junior high school students write in exams, they often write carelessly, and the handwriting they write is very ugly, either too slanted or tilted, which is not aesthetically pleasing.


The following 4 fonts used by junior high school students are the most hated by teachers, and are disliked the most by teachers who correct them for the high school entrance examination. They are also often criticized by many teachers. If you write in such fonts during the high school entrance examination, you can't even expect to get a score on the paper.

1. The font written by junior high school students: scrawled


The font written by this junior high school student is too sloppy. The teacher who corrects the papers for the high school entrance examination also dislikes this font very much. It looks very sloppy. The font is too small, uneven and not neat. Many junior high school students often write carelessly when writing. , the written font is too sloppy. It is okay to write in such a font when doing exercises, but if you still use such a sloppy font in such an important exam as the high school entrance examination, you will definitely suffer.

2. Font written by junior high school students: Crazy


The font written by this junior high school student not only looks very sloppy, but also almost crazy. Every word is written in a staggered way, and it seems that the resolution is very low. There is no proper distance between words, which is too excessive. To be honest, the appearance of this junior high school student's paper was too poor. He probably didn't pay much attention to the aesthetics of the fonts he wrote when writing. Therefore, he naturally wrote such fonts during the exam.

3. Fonts written by junior high school students: slanted


The font written by this junior high school student also made many teachers complain about the candidates using blue ballpoint pens during the exam. Teachers do not like to see candidates using blue pens to write when correcting papers. , because writing with a black pen has higher resolution and is more conducive to machine scanning. Besides using a blue pen to write, the fonts written by this junior high school student are too slanted and not neat.

4. The font written by junior high school students: long and thin


The last font written by a junior high school student is also very distinctive. Each font is very long and thin, as if it has been run over by a wheel. It feels like every word has been condensed into a ball, which is not easy to distinguish. The font of "" is something that teachers who revise papers for high school entrance exams don't want to see, but many female candidates especially like to write in such font.

Junior high school students who want to change the above fonts need to master the following calligraphy skills:

1. Know how to hold a pen

If you hold the pen very well, you don't have to hold it any way you want. Use your middle finger to hold the lower penholder before writing. When holding the pen, you need to keep your hand straight and don't hold the pen too hard. Many people often I held it tightly, and before I could write a few words, I ran out of strength.

2. Know how to master the strokes of the pen

Before writing, you must know the changes in the strokes of the font. Chinese characters are divided into up, down, left, and right structures, and they are particular about horizontal and vertical strokes. Therefore, before learning, you must first learn the simple strokes.

3. Be able to practice calligraphy

Copybook practice allows you to better master the decomposition positions and strokes of the calligraphy. Therefore, if you practice with the copybook for a long time, you will definitely develop good calligraphy. When practicing, it is better to practice regular script first, and then practice running script or cursive script. At the same time, when practicing calligraphy, don't just follow the writing, learn to think and summarize, and have a calm mind.

Mastering these calligraphy skills can not only leave a good impression on the teacher, but also increase your score in writing essays and exam papers. It can also hone the character of junior high school students, so that they will not be impatient, have good writing habits, and not be sloppy in doing things. At the same time, through the mastery of calligraphy skills, junior high school students can be influenced by the art of the beauty of Chinese characters and experience the artistic charm of Chinese character culture. Lay a solid foundation for junior high school students to answer papers in future entrance exams.

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