Recently, a classmate left a message on WeChat and told me that I have been terrible at writing since I learned how to write. Now that I am in junior high school, my handwriting has been finalized and my writing is very sloppy. I have never practiced it (I don’t understand anything like Dunbi). I hope that 15 Calligraphy Practice Network Teachers give me some advice!


In fact, I didn’t put much effort into practicing calligraphy when I was in junior high school. People always praised my handwriting for being good. And I think junior high school is actually a good time, much better than practicing calligraphy in high school or college. Writing can’t be determined just by thinking about it, it depends on your own attitude. 

 1. You have to believe that your handwriting can be written well, good-looking, and beautiful! be confident!  

2. Buy a copybook first. I like Pang Zhonghua’s best, but you can also buy others, such as Liu Ti. 

 3. Write two pages in the morning and two in the afternoon every day. It is quieter in the evening. You can practice writing a few more pages according to your own situation. 

 4. Also, which of your teachers has better handwriting? When he writes on the blackboard, you can follow his strokes. This is how I practiced when I was in junior high school. It's very effective. When you see beautiful handwriting written by others, you can also write along with it. 

 5. When you are doing your homework, you should deliberately follow the strokes you use when describing the copybook. Otherwise, you will be the same when tracing the copybook, and you will not be able to practice well when you are writing.  

6. Another thing is, don’t give up halfway, you must have the will, and if you persist for two months, you will see initial results.  

7. You may be nervous during the exam and forget about it after practicing. It doesn’t matter. The exam is not about how beautiful you are, but whether you are fair or neat. What the teacher values ​​is that he can understand, not the so-called flying and dancing!  

As for calligraphy training methods, I have a bit of a superficial opinion here:

First, practice every day. Practicing calligraphy is a time-consuming task. Of course, it depends on talent and ideas in the later stage, but most people just want to write beautifully.

Second, copying, calligraphy pays attention to ancient methods. Calligraphy works that have been passed down for so many years and can still be appreciated by others cannot be covered. However, many newcomers may start with hard brushes. Without laying a good foundation, they may not be used to copying calligraphy. So, it’s good to learn from Tian Yingzhang’s pen.

Third, be consistent. Many people start to practice calligraphy and write well when practicing calligraphy, but they still follow the old way when writing in daily life, which is extremely undesirable. It's okay if you write slowly. Don't deliberately set a time to practice calligraphy. As long as you can write, it's time to practice calligraphy.

Here is a formula suitable for junior high school students to practice calligraphy:

The main character is highlighted and the structure is promising;

Pay attention to the connection and master the echo;

The first position cannot be ignored.

There will be no setbacks on the road to practicing calligraphy. I hope you can work hard to overcome them and reach a higher level.

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