What should you learn first to get started with hard-tipped calligraphy for adults? Let’s take a closer look at the following thoughts:

1. Posture

1. Sitting posture

Correct sitting posture is the first prerequisite for good handwriting. When writing, sit upright, with your back straight, your legs naturally apart, and your shoulders relaxed. The eyes are one foot away from the paper, the chest is one foot away from the edge of the table, and one hand holds the pen and the other presses the paper. Maintain a state of stretch, flexibility, and relaxation as a whole.

2. Writing posture


①The index finger is about 3 cm (one inch) close to the tip of the pen

②The thumb is slightly higher or flush with the index finger

③Put the lower end of the pen holder lightly against the base of the middle finger nail

④Put the penholder against the base of your index finger, not close to the tiger’s mouth (the angle can be changed flexibly)

⑤ Place the end of your little finger and the base of your wrist on the paper

⑥Keep your wrist and hand in a straight line        

Hold the pen with three fingers, with the ring finger and little finger naturally bent and leaning under the middle finger. The palm of the hand should be "empty", like holding an egg. Just use a moderate amount of force with your fingers to hold the pen firmly (excessive force will deform the joints over time). When writing, the pisiform bone at the base of the hand is mainly used as the fulcrum, and the forearm and wrist use force to drive the fingers.

2. Mentality

1. The heart is as calm as water        

Choose a quieter, brighter environment with no external distractions, so you can calm down and practice. Try to be fully focused, without distractions, and fully immersed in the writing process.

2. Slow       

Be patient, don't be impatient, and try to write as slowly as possible for beginners, and carefully feel the process of writing and writing. If you can calm down, you will naturally slow down.

3. Be careful and careful        

Think carefully before writing, and be careful when writing. The length of the strokes, the size of the layout, and every detail should be paid attention to. Especially for beginners, every stroke, line, etc. should be written carefully.

3. Method steps

1. Forget        

Break first and then build, break the original writing habits, forget the previous writing methods, and start everything from scratch, so that you can accept new writing methods faster and improve faster.

2. Look        

To practice calligraphy according to the copybook, you must first learn to observe calligraphy. The structure of each character (up and down, left and right, semi-enclosed, top, middle and bottom, left, middle and right), layout (compact, stretched), and strokes (type, length, inclination, starting and ending points) need to be carefully observed and the key points must be kept in mind. , in order to better understand and deepen it during practice. Only by learning to read words can we know what is good and what is problematic. In addition, reading calligraphy should be carried out throughout the entire process of practicing calligraphy. Look at copybooks, look at what you have written, look at what others have written, and find out the differences, and then you can further correct and improve.

3. G        

That is, tracing and tracing the copybook, you can conduct preliminary imitation exercises on the strokes and frame structure of the characters, and try to completely overlap with the copybook. In the early stage, you can familiarize yourself with the structure of characters through tracing, but if you just trace, it will be difficult to greatly improve your writing level.

4. Pro        

It is more difficult to write on the spot and write against the copybook, but it has a significant effect on improving ability. Read it first to find the key points of writing, and then you can try writing it yourself without reading the post, or you can write it stroke by stroke, but when writing, don't pay too much attention to the strokes and ignore the overall structure of the characters. Try to be "similar in appearance" first. Over time, they will naturally become "similar in spirit".

5. Compare        

Learn to compare. Comparison is based on observation. After you finish writing, compare it with the copybook to find the gap. If you can't see it, you can ask a professional to help you look at it. If you find the gap, you can correct it little by little. You can also compare it with the words you have written before to find areas for improvement and enhance your confidence. .

6. Use         

The calligraphy you practice should be applied in life. If you cannot practice calligraphy and write carefully, your normal writing will "return to its original form". Even if you cannot write as well as you practice calligraphy, you must have this awareness and try your best.

4. Precautions

1. Font selection: Beginners are advised to learn regular script first. If you want to write running script, you must also have a certain foundation in regular script, so that you can have the center of regular script and the flexibility of running script. If you don’t have any basic knowledge of regular script and practice running script directly, your handwriting may become “soft” or “floating”. (Only on behalf of personal views)

2. Calligraphy practice is very slow to produce results. A word needs to be practiced many times to form muscle memory, so you must have enough patience and perseverance to persevere. If you have time, you can set aside a certain amount of time to practice every day. If you don't have time, you can practice at a fixed time several times a week. The point is to make it a habit.

3. Think while practicing. Combined with the above methods, observe and think throughout the whole process of practice.

4. Regarding writing tools, although fountain pens, gel pens, etc. are all acceptable, if you use a fountain pen, the pen tip has a certain degree of elasticity, which can better reflect the stroke of the pen and make writing more comfortable. Beginners can consider using it (pencils are more suitable for children) good). Beginners don’t need to choose a pen that is too expensive. A pen that costs more than ten to tens of dollars will do (the rich are free to do so). But if you usually use gel pens more often, you can practice with gel pens appropriately. The pauses when writing with gel pens are not as obvious as with fountain pens. Don't have a psychological gap, just practice more.

5. For writing paper, you can choose practice paper with a square grid or a rice grid. It is not recommended for beginners to use lined paper or white paper. As for the material of the paper, be careful not to choose one that absorbs too much ink.

6. It is best to seek guidance from professionals, especially in the early stages of practice to develop habits, and when encountering bottlenecks, seeking guidance from a teacher can get twice the result with half the effort.

7. Pay attention to the correct stroke order when writing, especially the connection between strokes in running script, which requires correct stroke order.