"If a lifetime is equal to one day, in your thirties, at most it will be 9:12 in the morning, the moment when you are about to go out. Don't use 'I'm too late' as an excuse. We are all still young and can still fall and make mistakes. , you can still go back on your word, and you can still start over. The future has not come yet, everything is still too late, and nothing cannot be changed."

As for how effective and successful you can be if you start practicing calligraphy at the age of 30, it is related to your own calligraphy talent and understanding, practice methods, persistence and hard work, etc. It can be said that 30 is not too late at all, and there is great hope. The key lies in unremitting efforts and perseverance. Many people give up halfway because practicing calligraphy is boring or for other reasons, or the method is wrong and results in half the result with half the effort.


I hope everyone who likes to practice calligraphy can stick to it @everyone!