"Inscription on a Humble Room" written by Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, expresses his self-sufficient, noble and proud sentiments by describing the elegant environment of the "humble room", and reveals the author's reclusive taste of living in poverty and enjoying life. So can the "Inscription on the Humble Room" written in seal script by Tai Buhua of the Yuan Dynasty reflect Liu Yuxi's sentiments?

The whole picture of "The Inscription on the Humble Room"

Part 1 of "The Inscription on the Humble Room"

Part 2 of "Inscription on a Humble Room"

Part 3 of "Inscription on a Humble Room"

Part 4 of "Inscription on a Humble Room"

"Humble Room Inscription", Yuan Dynasty paper, seal script, length 36.9cm, width 113.5cm.