Seal script inscription of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The full name is "Stele of Yuan'an, Situ of the Han Dynasty". Founded in the fourth year of Yongyuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In today's Henan Province, the stele has been damaged, and the last character in each line and the top of the stele have been lost. The existing stele is 1.53 meters high and 0.74 meters wide. It has ten lines in total, with fifteen characters in the full line, and some are interspersed between five or six lines. , among the monuments, they are the only ones seen in Han monuments. This stone was used as a confession in the Niuwang Temple in Xincun Village, Yanshi County during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. Because the words below are not known to be inscriptions. In the summer of 1929, a child in the village was lying on his back to enjoy the coolness. He found words carved on the stone and told the villagers. Ren Jibin, a villager, made a rubbing and spread it around the world. There is a recently reprinted version. The calligraphy structure is slightly square, the strokes are round and even, and the characters and strokes are all very clear. It is a good book for those who learn seal script. There are photocopies of this book.

Situ Gong, Runan's daughter Yuan An, Zhao Gong, taught Meng's study of "Yi". In the second month of the third year of Yongping, he eliminated the doctor because of his filial piety and integrity. In the eleventh month of the fourth year, Gengwu, except for those who paid a visit. In April B of the fifth year, he moved to the East China Sea and settled in Yinpingchang. In February of the tenth year of Xinsi, he moved to Dongping and served as city magistrate. On Bingchen, the twelfth month of the thirteenth year, I paid homage to the Governor of Chu County. In August of the seventeenth year, Geng Shen went to worship Henan Yin. [Jian] Bingshen in June of the eighth year of the Lunar New Year, I paid homage to the imperial servant. In the fifth month of the third year of Yuanhe, I paid homage to Sikong. In the sixth month of the fourth year, Ji Mao worshiped Situ. Emperor Xiaohe, Canadian Yuanfu, Zhao Gong as a guest. In the third year of Yongyuan's fourth year, Guichou passed away. Buried at Gengwu in the leap month.