"Dousha Sutra", among the vast Buddhist classics, few non-believers understand its contents. However, devout people worship it. "Dousha Sutra" of the Tang Dynasty, paper, 12 pages, 24×10cm per page. Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing.

There is no mark, signed "July day of the fourth year of Tianyou (907)..." It is from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the beginning of the Five Dynasties. His calligraphy is in line with the mainstream of regular script in the Tang Dynasty. It is rigorous and methodical, with tall and straight bones, and has the style of northern stele. It is the Tang Dynasty A rarity among the written scriptures. The bottom of the homepage is inscribed with the words "Zhao Shi Zi'ang" and "Songxue Zhai Seal", which shows that this calligraphy treasure was collected by Zhao Mengfu, a master of calligraphy and painting in the Yuan Dynasty.

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