The original stele of "Yao Mengqi Lin Jiucheng Palace Stele" is clear and the handwriting is of moderate size. It is easier to observe and practice than the original stele of Jiucheng Palace, so it is treasured and practiced by many people.


[1] "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Inscription" Wei Zhengfeng, Secretary Supervisor and School Attendant, Duke of Julu County

【2】Emperor-written. In the month of Mengxia in the sixth year of Wei Zhenguan, the emperor had almost 90% of the summer vacation.

[3] Palace, this is the Renshou Palace of the Sui Dynasty. In Guanshan Kangdian Hall, the ravine is a pool, with couplets set across the water and divided into rock towers.

[4] The palace is surrounded by high pavilions, long corridors, intertwined buildings, and uneven terraces and pavilions. Looking up will lead you to a hundred search distances,

[5] When you come down, you will see a thousand-foot towering tower, with pearls and jade reflecting each other, gold and jade shining on each other, shining brightly on the clouds, and covering up the sun and the moon. view

[6] He moved the mountains back to the stream, and lived in poverty and luxury. As for the Yanjing Liujin, there is no

[7] The steaming air, the gentle breeze, and the desolate coolness make it a good place to rest your body and nourish your spirit sincerely.

【8】The land of Han Dynasty cannot be praised as a sweet spring. The emperor is in love with the weak crown, manages the four directions, and has been in power for a long time.

[9] He cares about the billions of people, starting with martial arts, and finally embracing people far away with his literary virtues. Beyond Qingqiu in the east and across Qingqiu in the south

【10】Danqiao, all presented Chen to serve Zhi, re-translated to King Lai, Luntai in the west, Xuanque in the north, and merged with the prefectures and counties.

【11】People fill the household register. The Qi and Shu years are harmonious, the An'an is far away from home, the people are all living in Xiansui, and the spirits are perfect, even though they borrow two rituals

【12】The merits are ultimately due to one person’s concerns. Leaving behind one's body and belongings, weathering the wind and rain, caring for the people, and working hard

[13] The disease is the same as that of Yao's muscle, which is like wax, and even worse that of Yu's foot, which is called calluses. Needles and stones are added frequently, and the joints are still stagnant. Love in Beijing

【14】Room, every time there is a hot summer, everyone please build a palace, so that the common people can relax their spirits and nourish their nature. The Holy One Loves One Husband

[15] Li, cherishing the property of the ten families, being deeply closed-minded and refusing to obey. It is thought that the old palace of the Sui family was established in the past dynasty.

【16】It would be a pity to abandon it, and it would be a heavy work to destroy it. Things are worth following, so why change them. So the carvings were made plain,

[17] Damage and damage, remove the excess, repair the decay, mix the edges with gravel, and paint the walls with mud between them.

[18] Jade bricks are connected to the earthen steps, and Mao Ci is connected to the Qiong room. Looking up at the magnificence, you can take a look at the past and look down.

【19】Humble and frugal, he was trained by Hou Kun. This is the so-called perfect man who does nothing, the great sage does nothing, he tries his best, I

【20】Those who enjoy its merits. However, the ponds and swamps in the past lead to salty valleys, and there was no water source in the palace.

[21] Nothingness depends on one thing. It is not caused by human power, but the Holy Heart will never forget it. Guangdong will apply for the first prize in April

[22] On the sixth day of the first lunar month of the lunar month, I went up to the middle palace, looked at the terraces, walked leisurely in the shadow of the west city, and hesitated.

[23] Under the high pavilion, I looked down at the earth and felt it was slightly moist, so I guided it with my staff, and a spring gushes out.

[24] It was built with a stone sill and turned into a canal. It is as clear as a mirror and tastes as sweet as sweet wine. It is on the right side of Danxiao in the south and on the east side.

[25] Flows through the two palaces, penetrates the green threads, lingers in the purple room, stirs up the clear waves, washes away the filth, and can lead to

【26】Nurturing the positive nature can clear the mind. Reflecting the group's shape, nourishing all things, with the inexhaustible grace, will

[27] Xuanze is in Changliu, and the bandit is the essence of Qianxiang, and the cover is also the treasure of Kunling. Note: "Liwei" says: The King

[28] Punishment and killing should be regarded as a crime, and reward of tin should be regarded as merit. If the ceremony is appropriate, the Liquan will come out of Queting. "He Guanzi" says: Holy

[29] When a person's virtue is too pure at the top, too peaceful at the bottom, and all spirits in the middle, the sweet spring will flow out. "Rui Ying Tu" says: Wang

[30] It is pure and harmonious. If the food and drink do not contribute, the sweet wine spring will flow out. Drinking it will make people live longer. "Dong Guan Han Ji" says: Guang Wu

【31】In the first year of the Zhongyuan Dynasty, Liquan came out of the capital, and those who drank it were cured of their chronic diseases. However, when the divine object comes, it will help

【32】Mingsheng can not only cure the illness, but also prolong the age. Therefore, hundreds of ministers are attracted to each other,

【33】My queen is pregnant with the temptation, but push it away but it is not there.

【34】Fear is based on today’s experience. This is the mysterious talisman of God, and the emperor orders virtue. How can he be the unlearned minister?

【35】What you can do is revealed. But the duty is to record words, which is a matter of writing. It cannot make the country grand and beautiful, and have legacy policies.

【36】Dare to record the facts and record the inscriptions of Yuan Lesi. The poem says: Only the emperor cares about his luck, and the whole world is dying, and it will last for thousands of years.

[37] In this period, all things are seen, Shun is great in merit, Bo Yu is diligent and profound, he is the successor to the past, and he ascends three steps and five steps. seize the opportunity

[38] Ju is a saint and a god. He conquers disasters by martial arts. He is a man from far away in literature. The contract is not recorded in the book.

【39】Attack, Chen Zhi Xian Chen. The avenue is nameless, the virtues are superior but the virtues are not, the mysterious power is hidden, how deep is unpredictable, and the well is dug

【40】Drink, plow the fields and eat, waste your time to thank Heaven for your merits, and know the power of the Emperor. The gift of heaven is odorless and silent, and all kinds of materials are

【41】In the beginning, the product is flowing and changing, and it changes according to the feeling. It responds to the virtue and is effective. Chaos scene

【42】Blessings, flourishing and prosperous, Yun's dragon official, turtle picture and phoenix, the sun contains five colors, the black has three toes, the praises are endless

【43】Gong, the pen has no history of stopping. The good deeds bring auspiciousness, the wisdom above is joyful, the flow is gentle and moist, the gurgling water is bright and clear, and the taste is sweet.

【44】It is sweet, ice crystal clear, it becomes fresh with use, and it is inexhaustible. The road is peaceful at any time, happiness and springs flow, I will follow

【45】Watching at night, even though I have no rest, I live in a thatched cottage and am happy to travel around. The yellow house is not expensive, and the world is worried. people play

[46] I take the essence of its beauty, return it to its true origin, replace it with quality, hold it high and think deeply, uphold the precepts to overflowing, and remember this

【47】Hereby, I will always remain chaste and auspicious. The crown prince also ordered Ouyang Xunfeng, the male minister of Bohai, to
