In 1959, several Han bamboo slips were unearthed from the Mozuizi Han Tomb in Wuwei, Gansu Province, including 469 "Ritual" slips and 11 Riji miscellaneous bamboo slips. At the same time, "Ten Royal Stick Slips" were unearthed from Tomb No. 18. Among them, the "Yili" slips provide important information for the edition and collation of "Yili". Because the slips are well preserved and the ink is as new as new, it provides a concrete example for the restoration of the ancient slip system. In 1964, the Cultural Relics Publishing House published the "Wuwei Han Slips" compiled by the Gansu Provincial Museum and the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and announced this batch of slips.

The "Yili" slips are extremely mature Han official scripts. Although they were copied by many people, the style of the writing is uniform and unified within strict standards. This simple text has strong and strong lines and is extremely elastic; the brushwork is quick and unrestrained.

Wuwei medical wooden tablets collected by Gansu Provincial Museum

Wuwei Medical Wooden Slippers were written in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. This wooden slip is a doctor's record of medical verification. The characters are rough and cursive, and the calligraphy is concise and broad. The writing style can be freely and freely expressed, showing an innocent and innocent taste.