Zhou Xiaowang Ding Yi in the Western Zhou Dynasty.
  The inscription on the device (58 words in total):
  But at the beginning of the first month of the eleventh and third year, Ji, Renyin, Wang Zhengnan people. The king gave him four horses. Wu Ji bowed his head (left edict, right page, now called "Ji") and said: "Dare to confront Lu Xiu, Emperor Yang." I ordered Wu Ji to be used as the Ji Zun Gui of my emperor ancestor. If there is no dustpan, it will be used by descendants for thousands of years.
  The main idea contained in the inscription is:
  In the first month of Renyin, the thirteenth year of King Zhou Xiao, King Zhou attacked Xu State in the south. (Perhaps it was during the conquest that Wu Ji had meritorious service.) The King of Zhou gave Wu Ji four horses, and Wu Ji knelt down to express his gratitude to the King of Zhou. The King of Zhou asked Wu Ji to cast this precious gui to worship the ancestors of the King of Zhou. Use this precious gui to pray for blessings for all generations.