"Essentials of Cursive Script" [Jin Dynasty] Wang Xizhi's family kept the original version, [Tang Dynasty] Ouyang Xun et al. made it; [Tang Dynasty] Chang Shi Zhang Xu was ordered to fill in the vacancies; [Song Dynasty] scholar Mi Youren was ordered to fill in the regular script.

The post "Essentials of Cursive Script" was regarded by the predecessors as the "Correct Method of Cursive Script". Because the carved stone has been lost for a long time, the rubbings were damaged. The post is divided into five collections: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness, with a total of 3,863 cursive characters, and many are attached in regular script and seal script. Among them, the two collections of Ren and Yi are ordered by radicals, and the collection of Li is arranged according to the frame; the collection of wisdom is arranged according to the frame, and the collection of wisdom is composed of odd and dangerous cursive characters; the collection of letter is composed of characters with similar shapes that can easily be confused.