Feng Yuji (1822-1884) was born in Gaoyao County, Guangdong Province (today's Duanzhou District). In the 20th year of Daoguang's reign (1840), he won the imperial examination and in the 24th year of Daoguang's reign, he was awarded the title of editor of the Hanlin Academy. He once supervised schools in Shandong and Hubei, and later returned home on leave and was hired to teach at Yingyuan Academy. Following his recommendation, he was promoted to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and was briefly appointed governor of Shaanxi. In July of the ninth year of Guangxu (1883), Liu Enpu, the censor of Shaanxi Province, impeached him for corruption and inappropriate appointments. He was dismissed from his post in October and moved to Yangzhou as an official. He was fond of calligraphy and painting all his life. He was good at poetry and prose, good at calligraphy and painting, and distinguished himself. He was appreciated by Zhang Weiping, one of the "Three Sons of Eastern Guangdong" (Zhang Weiping, Huang Peifang, and Tan Jingzhao). People in Lingnan regarded him as their master. He was a famous calligrapher and painter in the late Qing Dynasty. One of the homes. The calligraphy is realistic to that of Ouyang Xun, imitating Li Yong in his later years; the painting imitates Wang Hui, which is elegant and meticulous in workmanship. He is the author of "The Collection of Poems of Green Ganan Hall". The country has announced export restrictions on his calligraphy works. Looking at these four posts, we can see that Feng Yuji's regular script came from Ouyang Xun, which can be said to be the essence of Deou and a model for future generations to learn from Ou's regular script. He is also good at running calligraphy.

One: July post

Second: No free posts

Part Three: Zhouzi’s Tai Chi Illustrations

Fourth: Zhang Zidongming