Calligraphy begins with regular script, which is the mother of calligraphy and is reflected in all kinds of calligraphy. If you can't learn regular script well, you can't talk about calligraphy. It can be summed up as "there is no deception in regular script". However, the three Zhishi "Dong Meiren", "Wei's Daughter" and "Zhang Guinan" that have been circulated in modern times can be regarded as unparalleled.

Among them, the calligraphy layout of "Epitaph of Dong Meiren" is straight and clear, neat and meticulous, the wording is respectful and rigorous, the bones are strong, the brushwork is vigorous and subtle, and it is pure and graceful. It can be called the first among the small regular scripts in the Sui Dynasty. However, behind it, What is recorded is a poignant love.

The author of "Epitaph of Dong Meiren" is Yang Xiu, King of Shu, the fourth son of Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty. His beloved concubine Dong Meiren died of illness at the age of 19. Yang Xiu wrote this article to express his condolences.

Yang Xiu was twenty-four or five years old at the time, the age when she was most passionate about longing for and pursuing beautiful things. The disappearance of this love is undoubtedly a major blow to Yang Xiu. Later, when he was 29 years old, he was imprisoned by Yang Guang until he was killed. No matter what, this love and this calligraphy are worthy of being remembered by future generations.

Unfortunately, in the third year of Xianfeng (AD 1853), during the peasant uprising of Shanghai Xiaodao Society, the original stone was destroyed and the original rubbing was unearthed, which is particularly rare. Now let us feel its energetic and subtle, elegant and graceful atmosphere, and the touching true feelings between the lines.

Explanation: The beauty's surname is Dong, and she is from Shiyi County, Bianzhou. Zu Fozi, governor of Qi Liangzhou. Dunren and Qia, standard

Explanation: Honor the countryside. My father was a latecomer, a handsome hero, and his voice galloped across the river. The beautiful body is leisurely and elegant, and the nature is graceful. I accept you respectfully and take advantage of your marriage.

Explanation: With flowers and blooms, dragons and phoenixes, and Bingjinyu, and the courtyard fragrant with orchids, I came to the Yilu Hall, went to the Liangtai, and shook the ring and wore it in the fragrant forest.

Explanation: The qi 绮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缮缨璨璨璨璨璨璨璨缨

Explanation: The mirror is clear and the moon shines brightly; the state turns and the gaze turns bright, the fragrance floats in the wind; the rustling wind blows the flowers back to the snow. In February of the seventeenth year of Kaihuang's reign

Explanation: Feeling sick. On July 14th, Wuzi finally arrived at Renshou Palace Mountain. Nine times out of ten in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Nong Emperor gave medicine, but it failed to save the Qin Dynasty

Explanation: Medical; Laojun’s spiritual memorial ceremony, I hope that the mountain scholar will complain about this Yaohua. Suddenly the carving became haggard, hurting the osmanthus and destroying the fragrant fragrance of the previous year. In October of that year,

Explanation: On the twelfth day, I was buried in Longshouyuan, in the lonely and desolate Longlong. The night was vast, my old love was buried in the heavy spring, and my remaining love was buried in the mysterious place.