The world's great wonders. Today I would like to introduce to you a folk stranger - the stoker. The boiler worker came from a factory in Fukou Town, Lianyuan City, Hunan Province. Here, he served the people and burned boilers for ten years, but during these ten years, he had a different story.

▲Ten years of sharpening a sword! boiler room scene

A boiler born in the 1980s, he loves life and art, especially calligraphy. A small boiler room has a whole other world to him. During these ten years, he was responsible for boiler operation and writing calligraphy at the same time. Over time, he accumulated gratifying results!

A place where stokers practice 

Stoker's writing on chopping board

Part of the work on the chopping board

His expressive power shines through the back of the paper, and he can retract and release it freely:

Works written by the stoker

Not only does the stoker write well, but he also can frame his works by hand:

Finished product hand-framed by the stoker

Blacksmith need its own hardware. During these ten years, in addition to writing calligraphy, the stoker also cast his own kitchen knives. The military hardening skills he learned in the army can be said to be at his fingertips.

Stoker's forged kitchen knife

This stoker's love for calligraphy is admirable, and his spirit of not being afraid of hard work in learning calligraphy is worth learning from.

Part of the Works of the Stoker's Heart Sutra