"Declaration Table", a famous small regular calligraphy calligraphy, was originally written by Wei Zhongyao during the Three Kingdoms period. The original work has not been handed down to the world. Zhong Yao (yáo, also written as yóu), whose courtesy name is Yuan Chang, was born in Changshe, Yingchuan (now Changgetong, Xuchang, Henan). He was a famous calligrapher and politician in Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.              

Zhong Yao had a profound influence on later generations of calligraphy, and he has always been considered the ancestor of Chinese calligraphy history. He was the first to define regular script in the history of calligraphy and was the founder of regular script (small regular script). He made important contributions to the development of Chinese characters and was honored as the "originator of regular script" by later generations.

Compared with Zhong Yao's other works, this post shows a more mature style and atmosphere of regular script in terms of brushwork and structure. The stipples are vigorous and simple, and the fonts are broad and flat, which fully expresses the style of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The artistic characteristics of regular script that are becoming mature. The style of this post directly affected the formation of the appearance of Erwang Xiaokai (as can be seen from "Huang Ting Jing", "Le Yi Lun", "Thirteen Lines of Luo Shen Fu", etc.), and then affected the creation of Xiaokai in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. , such as Zhao Meng, Zhao Mengfu, Wen Zhengming, Wang Chong, Huang Daozhou, etc., Zhang Chang, Huai Su, Yan Zhenqing, Huang Tingjian, etc. have absorbed the advantages of Zhong style and the essence of Zhong theory from all aspects in their calligraphy creation. What is more historically significant is that the stippling rules and structure rules possessed by this post influenced and promoted the arrival of the peak of regular script - Tang Kai script. Therefore, Zhong Yao's "Declaration Table" can be said to be the originator of regular script art.

Enlarge the words of "Declaration Form":