"The Story of Lang Guan's Stone", also known as "The Story of Lang Guan's Stone Pillar", is an official inscription of the Tang Dynasty, written by Zhang Xu. Founded in Chang'an in the 29th year of Kaiyuan. The original stone has been lost for a long time, and the original stone has been reprinted for generations. Zhang Xu's cursive writing is indulgent and eccentric, but this preface is vigorous and dignified in regular script, strict in law, graceful and elegant at the same time. It is Zhang Xu's only regular script work that has survived in the world and has a photocopied version.

The font of "Lang Guan Shi Ji" adopts the calligraphy of Ouyang Xun and Yu Shinan. It is dignified and rigorous without losing rules, showing the exquisiteness of regular script. "Xuanhe Shupu" commented: "His name is based on Diancao, and the small regular script cursive does not reduce the beauty of the cursive characters. Although the cursive characters are full of weirdness, but looking at its origin, there is no painting that should not be regular." This preface. The regular script is vigorous and dignified, the laws are strict, and it is both graceful and elegant. It is Zhang Xu's important regular script work in the world.