Zhang Jizhi's "Du Fu's Poetry Scroll", in regular script, ink, on paper, 35.5 cm in length and 1464.6 cm in width, a total of 128 characters. He wrote two poems, Du Fu's Qilu, "Zi Chen Palace's Slogan to Retreat from the Dynasty" and "Giving the Envoys to Live in the Fields and Sheren Cheng". The book is full of ink, written calmly, with a sharp turn and sometimes white spots, creating a decisive and unique style.

The slogan for retreating from the Zichen Palace is: Outdoors, the face is shining with purple sleeves hanging down, both eyes are looking at the throne to guide the court ceremony. The fragrance floats in the hall, the spring breeze turns, and the flowers cover thousands of officials and the scenery moves. In the daytime, I hope to hear the report from the high pavilion. I know that Tian Yan is happy and the officials know it. Every time the palace goes back to the east province, Kuilong will be sent to gather in Fengchi.

Gifts and donations make the living fields and houses clear for people: the gifts and donations are stored on the edge of the rain and dew, and the land is clearly divided and the talents are appointed. The family returned their food and received their seals, while the palace maid opened a letter and approached the royal banquet. Xiaoluo pursues the green suota, and the clear window checks the white clouds. Yang Xiong has even more gifts from Hedong, just waiting to be boasted and sent to heaven

Gifts and donations make the living fields and houses clear for people: the gifts and donations are stored on the edge of the rain and dew, and the land is clearly divided and the talents are appointed. The family returned their food and received their seals, while the palace maid opened a letter and approached the royal banquet. Xiaoluo pursues the green suota, and the clear window checks the white clouds. Yang Xiong also has poems from Hedong, just waiting to be boasted and sent to heaven.