There are many legends about the Jade Pillow Orchid Pavilion. It is said that Jia Qiuhe got a stone pillow, which was so bright and lovely that Liao Yingzhong used the method of reducing the shadow of a lamp to carve it on the Lingbi stone. It may be said that it was engraved in regular script by Ouyang Xunlin in the banzhong, found in the pillow of a palace servant in Luoyang during the Zhenghe period, or written by Chu Suiliang, etc. Most of the people who have passed down the work are reprints.

This post is a Ming rubbing of "Jade Pillow Orchid Pavilion", with brocade surface, cut-out mounting and butterfly decoration. Two and a half. The half-open ink paper is 12.5 cm long and 6.8 cm wide. Please enjoy

Regarding "Jade Pillow Orchid Pavilion", there is currently a lot of debate about whether it is written by Ouyang Xun or whether it is the Dingwu version. Because the earliest record is that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty invited Ouyang Xun to come, so all "Jade Pillow Orchid Pavilion" can be traced back to Ouyang Shuigeng. Secondly, because the five characters do not harm the original, they all rely on the "Dingwu Lanting" in the Song Dynasty. Because the rubbings made after Dingwu were all lost with five characters.

However, "Jade Pillow Orchid Pavilion" was carved on a jade pillow, and it was intended to be a craftsmanship decoration. The original intention was not to express the exquisiteness of calligraphy but only to spread elegance. Therefore, the "five characters without damaging the original" on the jade pillow may not necessarily be Dingwu Zhen. It is entirely possible that later generations adjusted the damage after shrinking and wrote it directly.