"The Story of Du Le Yuan" in running script, ink and pen on paper, 27cm in length and 655.2cm in width, collected by the National Palace Museum in Taipei. "The Story of Solitary Paradise" uses a new pen to show off the beauty and gentleness, and to eliminate the young character. An eighty-nine-year-old man is as energetic as he was in his prime.

【1】"The Story of Du Paradise"

Mencius said: "It is better to be happy alone than to be happy with others; to be happy with a small number of people is not as good as to be happy with many people." The happiness of princes and great men is not within the reach of the poor and lowly. Confucius said: "It is a pleasure to eat vegetables and drink water, and to bend your arms and rest your head on your pillow."

[2] is also among them. Yan Zi eats and drinks from a basket, but his happiness does not change. "This joy of sages is beyond the reach of fools. The wren's nest in the forest is only a branch. The mole drinks from the river, but his belly is full. Everyone makes his part and is content. This is the joy of the pedantic man.

【3】Also. In the fourth year of Xining's reign, the old man began to live in Luo. I bought 20 acres of land in six years. In the north of Zunxianfang, a garden was built. Among them is the hall, which contains five thousand volumes of books. It is called the reading hall. There is a house area in the south of the hall, which diverts water to the north and runs through the lower part of the building. There is a swamp in the center, each three square and deep.

【4】Child. The water-repellent water is injected into the swamp by the five factions, and it looks like a tiger's claw. It flows out from the north of the marsh and hangs together under the courtyard, shaped like an elephant's trunk. It is divided into two canals, which pour into the four corners of the courtyard. They come out in the northwest and are named Nongshuixuan. There is a marsh in the north of the hall and a swamp in the center.

【5】Island. Bamboo is planted on the island, three feet in circumference, shaped like a jade jue, with cables tied to its ends, like a fisherman's hut, so it is called Diaoyu hut. There are six couplets in the horizontal house in the north of the marsh, with thick tiles to protect them from the scorching sun. Open the house in the east, go out to the north and south, and set up a xuanxuan to extend the cool breeze. Plant many beautiful bamboos in the front and back,

【6】It is a place to clear the summer heat, so it is called Zhongzhu Zhai. The land to be managed in the east of the marsh is made up of hundreds and twenty strips, mixed with herbs and knotted together by identifying their names. Bamboo is planted in the north of the border, with a square diameter of ten feet, shaped like a chess game. They bend their branches and cover each other to form a house. Plant bamboo in front of it, and the road will look like

【7】The corridors are all covered with vine medicine. The trees and medicines planted around it are called Fan Yuan, and they are called the medicine garden. There are six columns in the south of the garden, with peonies, peonies and miscellaneous flowers occupying two of them. There are two copies of each kind of Zhizhi, just to recognize its name and appearance, I don’t want more. To the north is a pavilion, which is ordered

【8】It is called the flower watering pavilion. Luocheng is not far from the mountains, but the forest is thin and dense, so it is often invisible. So he built a platform in the garden and built a house on it to look at Wan'an Fushao. As for the royal family, he ordered him to see the mountain platform. The old man was studying in the hall many times every day. guru sage

【9】People are surrounded by wise friends. Glimpse into the origin of benevolence and righteousness, explore the essence of ritual and music. Since the beginning of time, before it became visible, it has reached all the way to infinity. The principles of things are summarized at present. Those who are sick should learn from it. Why should I ask for anything from others, why should I wait outside? If your mind is diligent and your body is tired, you will throw

[10] Fetching fish with a pole, picking medicine with a crotch, cutting canals to irrigate flowers, cutting bamboo with an ax, washing hands with heat, looking up high, wandering freely, doing whatever suits your mind. When the bright moon comes, the breeze will come, and there is nothing to do. There is nothing to hold back, and the ears, eyes, lungs and intestines all exist. Zhenzhuyan, Yangyang

【11】I don’t know if there is any kind of music in the world that can replace this. Because of the combination, they were named Du Paradise. Or he might blame the old man and say: "I have heard that a gentleman enjoys it, and I will share it with others." Now my son only wants to satisfy himself, but not others. Is that okay? The old man thanked him and said: "How can I compare to the old man?"

【12】A gentleman enjoys himself, fearing inadequacy, and being able to reach others. Kuang Sou's favorite things are humble and desolate, and they are all abandoned by the world. Even if you give it to others, if they don't take it from you, how can it be strong? There must be people who are willing to share this joy, so they can worship and offer it again. How dare you do it?