"Caojue Baiyunge" written in the 41st year of Wanli (AD 1613) is an important work by Han Daoheng. He wrote the main radicals, their usage and the differences between them in a five-character rhyme, which clearly explained certain rules in the structure and writing of cursive characters. He also used block letters for comparison, making it easier to remember. . (Solid seal from the first year of Xuantong’s reign at the Saoye Mountain House in Shanghai)


[1] Collection of ancient herbal formulas; Mi Fu, a doctor of calligraphy in the Song Dynasty, collected the books of Wang Xizhi, the right general of the Jin Dynasty; the most difficult of all is the sage of the herbal medicine, and the dragon and the snake have excellent writing skills. Although you want to distinguish even a hair's breadth, your body posture must be completed. 

【2】A little bit is water, but an empty pick is just words. There is no left side of Miantou, and the river wraps around the east side of the palace. I know the difference between long and short, and I look at each moment in a daze.

【3】Looking at the cows leading their feet while walking, I am ashamed to see the sheep trampling the fields. The six hands are suitable for gifts, and the seven red ones are Yuan. Ten Zhu Zhizhu serve themselves, and three people speak for themselves.

【4】The left Fu Beiding is reversed, and the right knife is slightly bent. The heads were the same, but the bodies were the same. Gu Chutong is similar, and spear softness is always the same.

【5】Pick up the wrong and take it close, Xizhao looks in front of you. Sihui's fish is like a painting, and his hand is like a year. Not only to guard against good fortune, but also to be more cautious in connecting. 

【6】Ning Nai fan Yu Shu, Hou Xi does not reduce Zhan. It is said that the photographed general belongs to Yi, and a certain date is borrowed to spin. It's really hard to say goodbye to comfort poems, but it's not easy to say goodbye to Shuo Bang.

【7】Always collect the useless straight, and there is no need to build the secret. The detailed notes are written by Caiban, and the water source looks at Yongquan. Cambodia is the same as the east but different, and the government is like an insult but also partial.

【8】Only by the side of stems can flowers be made, and by hooking up the flowers and leaves they can be used as loops. The country minister got it casually and loved chiseling and Kuiquan. The first part of jade is martial arts, and the first point of jade is elixir.

[9] The hoof number should be in accordance with the law, but the cloud abuse should not be passed down. Stealing thoughts and feet are the same, and Xiong Xian's body seems to be the same. The head rarely changes, and the soldiers form a double alliance.

【10】Don’t write about Bao Yongshou, don’t write about green. Don't treat the rope as wax, don't think that having a few people is a good thing. That is, the feet are as if they are afraid, and they move around the body.

【11】The cold face is judged by the image, and the constitution and harm are related to each other. The outside world is still full of knowledge and preparation, and the early days of medicine are still kind and firm. It is straight and clear, and it is also combined with the other Jingqian.

【12】The hawk starts to attack the ox, and the chicken crouches first. If the salary is not enough, a village can be built by hooking a tree. Xiao Shu distinguishes with his head first, and Yin Bin pushes with his belly.

【13】If you have an evil heart, it is a sign that you will wear a tortoise with no head. If you point too hard, you will become anxious; if you go too far, you will think it is humble. Longevity is good, Gui and Ke are good, teeth can only be remembered by adding Si.

【14】The moon on the right is different, so is the moon on the left. Lift the body to Yiwei, and use the north to ascend the body. The road to the left is like a borrowed word, and there is no deviation from it.

【15】The grass hook adds to the anti-celebration, and the Yijiu sticks to others and flies away. But at the end of the day, when I was worried about summer, I met my younger brother Yi. There was no comparison between Zhai and Qi, but they depended on each other.

[16] Or Jie Ge is set up first, and Gaohua Jiao is used in advance. Rui Yuyuan seemed to be vague and refused to be caught. The top of the quilt is mourning for farewell, and the utensils in the crotch are not in the valley.

【17】Only knowing the people depends on the clan, but not the tree with many branches. If you are worried and forced to come close, don't take a peep when approaching. The short ones are used together with the side, and they are also confused when sent to the upper side.

【18】If you want to know the high horse, you will know the son. There are no mistakes in the temple, and the pen in the nest is thinking. The Zhang's side is slightly curved, and the sun's side is not silky.

【19】Don’t teach anyone to make vows, and don’t make Yong leave. When you are drunk and broken, you are walking around, when Liqin first rises. You should remember yourself when you are in trouble, and you will know better when you are friends.

【20】I was suddenly surprised that Liu Ru was right, and the fou always seemed to be hanging down. It is true that there is no chance of greed, but the retreat of the city is still uneven. It is never a mistake to reduce and destroy, and it is not easy to chase after the party hall.

【21】Nvhuaidan is the mother, and the old man discarded it and turned it into skin. If it is said that the same thing is superficial, then the teacher is a humble teacher. Turtles and turtles are of the same kind, but tea and chrysanthemums are closer to each other.

【22】If you don’t make it as pure as transformation, your merits will always be as good as the body. Showing clothes is particularly confusing, and the adjacent house is built next to it. The Taoist weapon is unpredictable, and the competition is up to standard.

【23】The market will increase a little, and the warehouse will be with others. How dense is the number of emotions? It is said that the sweetness and potential are even. Although it is solid to guard against dreams, it is self-integrated to determine the floating and spring.

[24] It is a blessing to add a cart of oxen, to point out three ups and downs, and all the ginseng and ginseng are completely the same. It is no different to seize the old Yuan, but there is a reason for winning.

【25】Momentum is tied to the sect, and chapter body effect is flat and pungent. He Jiezai is in accordance with the age, Ning Rongquan is close to the Qin Dynasty. The evil hearing and walking stop again, and the flexion of Lang is still stretched.

【26】Tian Yue earth becomes wild, Qi Jiu silences his voice. The most pressing and difficult things are joyful, especially the doubtful things. The Ge Zun grass is grown on the grass, and it grows beside the moon in the corridor and temple.

【27】Li Lisi is a man, but Guixin is rotten. When you publish a book, you can watch the item turn around, and if you don’t list it, you can watch the head level. My home was not far away, and you were still afraid of me.

【28】How can a dog be accompanied by a harvest, or a jade be accompanied by a beautiful woman? The knees are bent in the middle, and the second ratio is clear. The second disembarkation of the guests was in chaos, so it was peaceful to hide.

【29】And by asking the question, you will be lucky enough to get the first door. If you are ashamed and die, don't offend each other. Let's look good and be happy together. A deer's head is really wearing grass, but a fox's feet are full of suspicion.

【30】Don't let it become a gradual thing, for it will be boring if you are irritated and bored. I went to the south to look at the two men, seeking the cauldron and seeing the thorny forest. Xiuzhu Yi lived down, abandoned and ran to Qi Shangzun.

【31】The head of the slave is really like a tie, and the lower part of the silk is like a bird. The spies in the ditch all follow Yi, and use paper and paper towels. It is easy to lose fear and easy to understand.

【32】In the near future, I will catch up with the subtle differences, and I will be out of touch with others. The frequency is finally not white, how can it be fainted when it is taken? Qi and Xian are equal, and Yu Dun and Yin are amiable.

【33】The name of the stage is established according to the call, and the teaching categories are strictly divided. Zou Xie's song is hard to see, but it is easy to hear it as a thief. Fu Chuan competes with each other, leaving the distinction to follow his heart.