To appreciate Wang Duo's calligraphy, one must start with the historical background and experience. Wang Duo's parents were relatively wealthy, with hundreds of acres of fertile land. However, the turmoil in the late Ming Dynasty led to Wang Duo's family becoming increasingly decadent and declining. The whole family hoped to improve the family through the imperial examination. Wang Duo finally passed the examination at the age of 31, but fate always dealt a heavy blow to Wang Duo like a joke: the Qing army entered the pass, Wang Duo surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, was insulted by the people, and then was ridiculed by the Manchus. Ridiculed, values ​​​​are conquered.

Therefore, Wang Duo could only place his relief from pain and hope for life in the art of calligraphy.

Picture/Shi Kefa led the Ming army to defeat Yangzhou and died. The Qing army massacred 800,000 people in the city.

Wang Duo's cursive script shows a true portrayal of a ill-fated talented man in a special era, who vents his suppressed emotions, majestic and hearty.

Wang Duo's cursive writing mostly starts with a square pen, which is inserted at a right angle, and the stroke is quickly flicked and closed. The stroke is decisive and powerful, which vividly demonstrates the rigidity of the cursive lines. Wang Duo mainly learned Mi Fu's cursive writing, but Mi Fu was not good at cursive writing, so Wang Duo used exaggerated strokes based on Mi Fu's calligraphy, with exciting jumps and exaggerated strokes, either circles, square dots, sideways, or arcs, which gave him a very sense of rhythm. strong. Through the combination of each line, we can regard the stroke as an independent line segment to analyze the characteristics of its combination of lines.

Picture/Wang Duo’s emotions

Wang Duo's cursive calligraphy also draws on the essence of Mi Fu's work, emphasizing the changes in positive and negative characters. Mi Fu leans to the left, while Wang Duo leans left and right. The characters are tightened, wide open and closed, rich and changeable, echoing up and down, and well-proportioned. The array is rarely on the central axis, forming a dense space between characters. Strong changes.

The research and unprecedented achievements in calligraphy are Wang Duo's greatest contribution to cursive writing, which demonstrates Wang Duo's outstanding calligraphy creative talent. Wang Duo formally established the rising ink method. The thick and dry ink in large areas forms a strong contrast. From rising to wet, from wet to dry, and from dry to thirsty, it is hearty and full of charm. Presenting a strong visual strangeness. The impact of Wang Duo's calligraphy is mostly due to his skillful use of ink.

It is quite appropriate to create "Ascend the Stork Tower" in Wang Duo's style, but there is no Wang Duo's work that has been handed down in the world. However, we have a calligrapher in our bookstore! Below, Mr. Ji Zi analyzes the above three points and collects Wang Duo's calligraphy "Climbing the Stork Tower" to present the brushwork, knotting, inkwork, composition and atmosphere for the readers' enjoyment.

Climbing the Stork Tower

Wang Zhihuan's Poems

As the day fades behind the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea.

If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level.