Su Shi, a famous writer, calligrapher, painter, lyricist, poet, gourmet in the Northern Song Dynasty, one of the eight great poets of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and a representative of the Bold and Unconstrained poets. His poems, lyrics, fuses, and prose are all of high achievement, and he is good at calligraphy and painting. He is a rare all-rounder in the history of Chinese literature and art, and he is also recognized as one of the most outstanding people in the history of China's thousands of years of literature and art. His prose is called Ou Su together with Ouyang Xiu; his poems are called Su Huang together with Huang Tingjian; his poetry is called Su Xin together with Xin Qiji; his calligraphy is listed as one of the four major calligraphers of the Northern Song Dynasty: "Su, Huang, Mi, and Cai"; his paintings are pioneers. Huzhou School of Painting.


[1] "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion and Poems" The old county of Nanchang, the new mansion of Hongdu, the stars are divided into wings, the ground is connected to Henglu, the three rivers are connected to the five lakes, the wild thorns are controlled and Ouyue is led. The treasures are abundant, the dragon's light shines on the ruins of the bullfight; the outstanding people and places, Xu Ru sits on Chen Fan's couch. The mist in Xiongzhou is full of colorful stars. The Taihuang rests at the intersection of Yi and Xia. The guests and hosts are all in the southeast.

【2】Beauty. The commander-in-chief Yan Gong is looking forward to the elegant look, and the halberd is coming far away; the Yifan of Yuwen Xinzhou is temporarily staying with the curtain. In the ten days of leisure, there are many friends who are successful; I am welcomed from thousands of miles away, and the house is full of distinguished friends. Soaring dragons and rising phoenixes are the poets of Meng Xueshi; purple lightning and clear frost are the arsenal of General Wang. The master of the family is the butler, and the road is well-known; how can a boy know that he will be rewarded with victory? It’s only September, preface

【3】It belongs to Sanqiu. When the water is gone, the cold pond is clear, and the smoke condenses and the mountains are purple at dusk. I'm on the road, visiting the scenery in Chong'a; I'm near the emperor's son's Changzhou, and I've found the immortal's old pavilion. The mountains are towering with greenery, and the sky rises above them; the flying pavilions flow with elixirs, and there is no ground below. The love of cranes, pavilions and birds is the lingering feeling of poor islands; the Guidian orchid palace is the shape of hills and mountains. embroidered

【4】Tao, looking down at the carved beast, the mountains are wide and wide, and the plains are vast, and the rivers and lakes are wide, and they are horrified. Luyan rushes to the ground, the home of bells and tripods; the ships and boats are in the maze, the axis of green birds and yellow dragons. The rainbow is clear in the rain, and the clouds are clear. The falling clouds and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water becomes the same color as the sky. The fishing boat sings late, and the sound is heard on the Pengli shore; the wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound is broken by the Hengyang Pu.

【5】You can sing in the distance and fly freely. The cool breeze blows and the cool breeze blows, the slender song condenses and the white clouds stop. The green bamboos in the Sui Garden are like the bottles that carry the air to Pengze; the red flowers in the Ye River are like the brushes that illuminate Linchuan. Four beautiful things, two are difficult to combine; poor in admiring the sky, extremely entertaining in leisure days. The sky and the earth are vastly different, and I feel the infiniteness of the universe. When joy and sorrow come, I realize that there are countless ups and downs.

[6] Hope that Chang'an will be safe under the sun, and Wu will be in the clouds. The terrain is extreme but the southern sky is deep, the sky pillar is high and the northern star is far away. The mountains are difficult to overcome, who feels sad for those who have lost their way? When we meet by chance, we are all guests from a foreign land. When Emperor Huai disappeared, how old was the Xuan Dynasty? Woohoo! The fortunes are uneven and the fate is misfortune; Feng Tang is easy to grow old, but Li Guang is difficult to seal. Qu Jiayiyu

[7] There is no holy master in Changsha; when Liang Hong travels across the sea, is there no lack of enlightenment? It depends on the gentleman to be in poverty and the wise man to know his destiny. When you are old and strong, you would rather have a white-headed heart? Be poor and strong, and never fall into the clouds. Drinking from the greedy spring makes you feel refreshed, and you still feel happy when you are in a dry road. Although Beihai is on credit, it can be picked up if it swings; the east corner is gone, but it is not too late to mulberry trees. Mengchang is noble and noble, and he has an empty heart to serve the country.

[8] Heart: Ruan Ji is rampant, how can he cry at the end of the road! Bo, three feet of micro life, a scholar. There is no way to ask for a tassel, waiting for the weak crown of the final army; if you have a heart, you throw a pen, and you admire the emperor's long wind. I gave up my hairpin and wat when I was a hundred years old, and carried it to my family at dawn and dusk for thousands of miles. It is not the precious tree of the Xie family, but the family of the Meng family. He is approaching the court day by day, asking to accompany the carp; this morning, I am holding my arms with him, and I am happy to support him at the dragon gate. Yang

[9] When unexpected encounters occur, caressing the clouds and pity oneself; when meeting Zhongqi, how can one be ashamed to play flowing water? Woohoo! The resort does not last forever, and the grand feast is hard to come back; the Orchid Pavilion is gone, and the ruins of Zizeqiu are gone. The parting words are due to the kindness of Wei Xie; the climb to a high place to compose a poem is the wish of the public. Dare to be sincere and sincere, respectfully sparse and short quotations; every word is composed, and all four rhymes are completed:

[10] The poem goes: King Teng’s high pavilion is near the river, and he wears a jade mingluan to sing and dance. The painted building is flying towards Nanpu clouds, and the red curtain rolls into the west mountain rain at dusk. The shadows in Xianyuntan Lake are long, and things change and the stars move several autumns. Where is the emperor's son in the pavilion now? Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows freely.