Credentials from the Qing Dynasty to the United Kingdom and France, 34.5 cm in length and 269 cm in width, collected by the National Palace Museum in Taipei. There is a story behind this diplomatic letter of credentials.

In June of the 31st year of Guangxu (1905), the Qing government ordered five ministers, Zai Ze, Dai Hongci, Xu Shichang, Duan Fang, and Shaoying, to go to various countries in the East and West to inspect politics. At 10 o'clock on September 24 of the same year, the revolutionary Wu Yue bombed five ministers at Zhengyangmen Railway Station in Beijing, injuring Zaize and Shaoying. Wu Yue died. The five ministers' departure was postponed, and the credentials they carried were also Returned to the court. On October 26, the Qing government reassigned Shandong Chief Envoy Shang Qiheng and Shuntian Prime Minister Li Shengduo, together with Zai Ze, Dai Hongci, and Duan Fang, to inspect politics in various countries.

The letter of credence is a document written by a head of state on behalf of his or her own government to the head of state of another country. When it is used for international negotiations, it is delivered by a special envoy; when it is used by a minister before leaving office, it is presented by the minister when he meets the head of state of the host country.

This is a letter of credence from the Qing court to the United Kingdom and France respectively. It is written in Manchu and Chinese scripts. The Manchu script is on the left, from left to right, and the Chinese script is on the right, from right to left. They are both written in straight lines and have seals. They are signed by the Ministry of War. Xu Shichang, Zuo Shilang, Zhen Guo Gong Zaize, and Zuo Cheng, Ministry of Commerce, jointly submitted the document to show their kindness and kindness to neighbors and to visit and prove each other. The certificate of credence is in the form of an album, enclosed by a double-dragon beaded envelope.

The Qing Dynasty sent envoys to study abroad and sent a letter of credence to the United Kingdom

Letter of Credence from the Qing Dynasty to the Great Britain

Letter cover Length: 34.5 cm Width: 23 cm Height: 2.5 cm

Chinese and Manchu (full volume)

The Qing Dynasty sent envoys to study abroad and sent letters of credence to France

"Credential Letter from the Qing Dynasty to France"

Credentials: vertical: 34.5 cm horizontal: 269 cm

Letter cover Length: 34.5 cm Horizontal: 23 cm Height: 2.5 cm

Collection of the National Palace Museum