Fine calligraphy in Ouyang regular script: Ouyang Xun appreciates the epitaph of Li Gong in small regular script. The full name is "Epitaph of Li Gong, the late doctor Zuo Guanglu of the Tang Dynasty, who was on the pillar of Guodeguang County". Square, height and width are 58.5 cm. The 12 zodiac signs are engraved on the surrounding walls. There are 36 lines and 36 words in the Zhiwen, and there are 1249 words in the Zhiwen. "Li Gong's Epitaph" was dated to the 8th year of Zhenguan. This is the Ouyang Xun regular script found so far that is the closest to the writing time of "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming".

Appreciation of "Li Gong's Epitaph" in lower regular script by Ouyang Xun