The "Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra" in regular script by Zhang Jizhi of the Southern Song Dynasty is collected by the Princeton University Museum in the United States. Zhang Jizhi (1186-1263), courtesy name Wenfu, also known as Chuliao Liyang (today's He County, Anhui Province), was born in a distinguished family and was a patriotic poet. Zhang Xiaoxiang's nephew is the eighth descendant of Zhang Ji, a famous poet in the mid-Tang Dynasty. His calligraphy is deeply influenced by the Tang Dynasty. He first studied Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang and Yan Zhenqing, and later turned to Mi Fucan to learn Han Li and Jin and Tang classics, as well as Zen philosophy. Impact

Therefore, a unique calligraphy art style is formed.

Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra

In the sixth year of Chunyou (1246), I was in Bingwu, that is, I was sixty-one years old.

Chen Qian's regular script inscription on "Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra" written by Zhang Jizhi of the Southern Song Dynasty

This book was written by Chu Liao Weng, a famous pen of the Song Dynasty. Write more Buddhist scriptures and recommend ancestors. Duke Wenmin of Zhao learned from him, and now I have read this sutra, and I have learned the ingenuity of using the pen. Readers should not read it carelessly. In the spring of Tianshun Guiwei (1463), Chen Qian wrote a book in the Wangjia Temple in Pingyin.

Bi Maokang's calligraphy inscription and postscript on "Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra" written by Zhang Jizhi