Jia Yu was a calligrapher in the Ming Dynasty. His birth and death years are unknown, but his calligraphy has survived. This calligraphy work in small regular script has a solid structure and neat brushwork. It looks very spiritual and even better when enlarged.

It can be said that Jia Yu is a calligrapher who is not famous but writes very well. There are many such calligraphers in history. Some even only left their works, not even their names, and some only left their names. One piece of work is unknown to others, but people will still recognize it after the waves wash away the sand.

"Inscriptions and Postscripts on Kongtong Asking Pictures" in small regular script by Jia Yu of the Ming Dynasty, collected by the Palace Museum.

From this we can also see how strict the selection of history is. In addition to having a true level, reputation and status are also very important.