Today we are going to appreciate three exquisite regular scripts by Mi Fu, one of the "Four Masters of the Song Dynasty".

Mi Fu's "Inscription on Yanran Mountain"

Mi Fu's "Inscription on Yanran Mountain"

Mi Fu's "Inscription on Yanran Mountain"

Mi Fu had a weird personality and crazy behavior. He called him "brother" when he met a stone and worshiped him endlessly, so he was called "Mi Dian". He also called his calligraphy "brush calligraphy". Good at calligraphy styles such as seal script, official script, regular script, running script, and cursive script.

Mi Fu's "Inscription on Yanran Mountain"

Mi Fu is an outstanding representative of Shangyi calligraphy style in the Song Dynasty. His running script is full of ups and downs, wild and uninhibited. The happy part is like a sharp sword slashing array, and the free and easy part is like a monk entering the court. His destiny is unique, and his character is extraordinary.

Mi Fu's part of "Nine Songs" in small regular script

But such a master of calligraphy is extremely serious. For example, there is a poem called "Climbing the Tower and Looking at the Moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival", which Mi Fu has written many times. During the writing process, Mi Fu also added a line of self-comment: "Writing three or four times, one or two words are good every now and then. Letters are also difficult." After writing several times, Mi Fu was still not satisfied, and only thought: "Every time I write, it's good to have one or two words." One or two words are good. Writing a letter is also difficult."

Mi Fu's part of "Nine Songs" in small regular script