"Tiaoxi Poetry Volume" is written by Mi Fu and is written in ink on Chengxintang paper. The length is 30.3 cm and the width is 189.5 cm. The whole volume has 35 lines and 394 words in total. It is collected by the Palace Museum in Beijing.

The final year mark is "Made on August 8th, Yuanwuchen", which is known to have been written in Wuchen, the third year of Yuanyou, Zhezong of the Song Dynasty (1088 AD), when Mi Fu was 38 years old. The book is a self-written poem, a total of 6 poems. At the beginning of the volume, there are five seal characters of "Minangong Shihan". At the end of the volume, there is a postscript by his son Mi Youren: "On the right are the poems of friends and others, the footprints of the former minister Fu Zhen, and the respectful postscript by the minister Mi Youren." There is also a postscript by Li Dongyang of the Ming Dynasty on the later paper.

"Tiao Xi Shi Tie" is like a horse in the wind, calm and joyful. Together with "Shu Su Tie", it is called the "double bi" of rice books and has a huge influence.

Mi Fu claims to use his brush "from all sides" and uses his brushwork in various ways. "Tiaoxi Poems", written one month earlier than "Shu Su Tie", is an outstanding work of Mi Fu's "exploitation from all sides". The composition of this post is exquisitely conceived and the charm is unrestrained and comfortable, which comprehensively demonstrates Mi Fu's superb skills and indulgent charm in running script. Zoom in and see, it’s even more shocking!

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