"Wei Gongxian Temple Monument" (852, seventy-five years old) was written by Cui Yu of the Tang Dynasty and written by Liu Gongquan. The main script has 36 lines and six crosses. It was originally in Xi'an. The stele is broken and the stones are scattered, and the polishing is incomplete. Only five stones were originally added. The year when the stele was erected is unknown. Wang Chang's "Jin Shi Cui Bian" puts it at the end of Xiantong (874), and "Bao Ke Lei Bian" puts it at the sixth year of Dazhong (852). The stele Cui Wen is elegant and the Liu calligraphy is vigorous. If you look closely, it has reached a state of elegance. The strokes are quite slanted, such as the character "上" and the character "五" are horizontal; the knot characters are quite tilted, such as "事" and "国" are centered to the right; another example is "Five Hundreds of Food" In this business, you can play with the left and the right.