When Liu Gongquan created this work, he was already 66 years old, and it is a well-deserved work in his later years. After a lifetime of tempering, I often deal with royal matters, my calligraphy becomes increasingly refined, and my works are even more profound and powerful, looking forward to the sky and majestic! 

Because Liu Gongquan was a regular attendant of Zuo Sanqi at that time and was a first-class calligrapher in the dynasty, the emperor ordered him to write. Because it was written according to the order, Liu Gongquan's writing was particularly solemn and he tried his best. The words he wrote were dignified and solemn, which was more vigorous and concise than the "Mysterious Tower Stele" written two years earlier.

Due to the age and loss of protection, no matter how good things are, they have been severely damaged. After it was discovered, despite efforts to restore it, it was never possible to get its original appearance. Although there are many rubbings, only a few dozen are truly clear and lossless. But to have such a good thing is already rare!

Although there are only 26 pictures that are as lossless as possible, they are almost a treasure among treasures for those who are learning Liu style calligraphy! The Shence Military Monument vividly demonstrates the willow style. Every visible word in the article is worthy of repeated scrutiny!