"Fengsu Stele" (837, sixty years old) was written by Wang Qi, Liu Gongquan's book and seal forehead, the main script, 41 lines, 83 characters, and the stone is preserved in the Stele Forest in Xi'an. His book is refreshing, fast and healthy, and full of energy. It seems to indicate that a more refined "willow body" is about to be born. In the next five or six years, "Mysterious Tower" and "Shence Army" were published one after another, becoming the standard of regular script for thousands of years. "Gengzi Xiaxia Ji" quoted Yang Yongxiu as saying: "Chengxuan's "Feng Shangshu Stele" is inferior to (Yu Shinan's) "Temple Stele"." "Graphite Engraved Hua" says: "The small difference in the willow script on this stele is better than that of "Xuan Mi" "The Pagoda Stele" is not worthy of traveling with Xue Jiyan. Yang Yongxiu Yun is inferior to the "Temple Stele", which is too good."