Liu Gongquan, who passed the Jinshi title at the age of 29, worked as a low-level official in the local area. Later, Emperor Mu Zong of the Tang Dynasty accidentally saw his handwriting. As soon as he became a calligrapher, he was summoned to Chang'an by the court. At that time, Liu Gongquan was already in his forties. . Mu Zong asked Liu Gongquan how to use the pen, and Gongquan replied: "Use the pen to the heart, and the heart will be straight, and the pen will be correct." After hearing this, Mu was greatly amazed, changed his appearance, and understood his advice on writing. His calligraphy has always been valued in the three dynasties of Muzong, Jingzong and Wenzong of Tang Dynasty. He lived in officialdom and served as a scribe, grew up in the court, and had a prosperous official career.

His calligraphy is balanced, thin and hard, resolutely pursuing the Wei stele, his stippling is crisp and straight, his bones are strong, and his structure is rigorous. "The more expensive the calligraphy is, the thinner and harder it is, the more it can communicate with the spirit." His regular script is slightly more even, thinner and harder than his Yan style, so it is known as "the muscles of the face and the bones of the willow". Liu Gongquan died at the age of eighty. He served seven emperors in total, from the 13th year of Dali of Tang Dynasty (AD 778) to the sixth year of Tang Yizong's Xiantong year (AD 865). Finally, he died in office as the crown prince and young master.

taste melon post

Explanation: The claw is fresh, cut it off and taste it first, it tastes sweet and good, to show your filial piety. When tomorrow comes, he doesn't know? Inform the world of Siniang Province.

Very muddy

Holy Mercy Post

Interpretation: Shengci allowed him to guard the official position, which slightly reduced his guilt, but he was still deeply worried. Continue to talk to each other, not one by one. Sincerely submit to the 30th place and 14th day, it will be empty.

Fu Shen Tie

Purple Silk Tie (also known as "Nian Shui Tie")

Explanation: Gong Quan is old and his talents are poor. Yesterday he was released from the Imperial Academy by grace, and he stayed there in the cold. His family entrusted him. No one is willing to respond, but he will observe deeply. Gong Quan respects Bai Bai. Then he sent a pair of purple-silk 鸸[sǎ] shoes to measure, not to be ashamed, but to respect the sky. Those who received Zhang Lanting's poems and continued public rights also paid them, and Fu Wei inspected them and put them in the box. Except for talking about face to face, there is no second choice. On the 11th, the official certificate was given to Mr. Shige. The green gown is often replaced by the old one, and it is empty. Huang Tingjian said: "Liu Gongquan's "Zi Si Qi Tie" (also known as "Nian Shui Tie") has a back-and-forth style of writing, as if entangled with iron wires, which truly reflects the ancient people's brushwork."