Xiaokai was founded by Zhong Yao in the Wei Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms. He was an outstanding authority in official script. The style of regular script he wrote was also derived from Han official script. The writing style is like a flying giant playing in the sea, which is extremely vivid. However, the structure is wide and flat, the horizontal strokes are long and the straight strokes are short, which still retains the legacy of official script. However, the regular script has been fully prepared, and it is actually the ancestor of the official script. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi studied the small regular script calligraphy more carefully, bringing it to a state of perfection, and also established the standard for the appreciation of the beautiful small regular script calligraphy in China.

【Simple and natural】

Zhong Yao's "Declaration Form" in small regular script

Zhong Yao's "Declaration Form" in small regular script

This kind of aesthetic realm is represented by Zhong Yao. This kind of aesthetic realm pursues a simple, innocent, natural and plain atmosphere. It requires the works to be heavy but not frivolous, strong but not greasy, simple but not rich, deep but not deep. It is wild, reserved but not spectacular. It does not carve or pretend to be ingenious, thus showing a simple, natural, plain and frank, and natural aesthetic realm. Lao-Zhuang philosophy believes that man and nature should be in a kind and harmonious state. In the unity of the world, large plain without carving is the highest state of all works of art. They do not deny the role of laws and techniques, but they place more emphasis on the absolute freedom obtained from rules. They advocate doing nothing but doing everything, and doing nothing without working. This aesthetic has had a great impact on later generations. Let's try it out Zhong Yao's small regular script is quaint and elegant, full of uniqueness in its simplicity, without any color, without any affectation, and full of meaning, which makes people chew on it. In fact, Yan Zhenqing, Fu Shan, and Wang Duo's small regular script are all influenced by it. his influence.

【Peace and simplicity】

Wang Xizhi's "Huang Ting Jing" in small regular script

Wang Xizhi's "Huang Ting Jing" in small regular script

This kind of aesthetic realm is represented by Wang Xizhi, who pursues a kind of harmonious beauty. In this realm, the short and short lengths are met, the slenderness is moderate, the light and heavy are balanced, the hard and soft are balanced, the odd and right are offset, the square and the circle are used together, the fat and thin are decent, and the bones and flesh are well-proportioned. It requires that both contradictory parties should be within appropriate limits to maintain a reasonable harmony. The so-called gentleness and gentleness, and then the gentleman, can be in harmony, is a good thing, but it must be noted that moderation is not absolute. Stability, but a kind of dynamic harmony, is a kind of dynamic balance that conflicts with each other and is endless. The so-called neutrality and consistency can be expected, so that the formal beauty of calligraphy art can be expressed in the richest way. This kind of aesthetics Realm, create highly elegant and harmonious works. Take a look at Wang Xizhi's regular script. The external mark is aggressive and amiable, but the internal content is pure and strong. Without losing the posture, the artistic conception is lofty, the calmness welcomes people, the so-called neither exciting nor fierce, but the wind is far away, ethereal and indifferent, high-minded and unconventional, it is truly elegant and unique.

【Strict laws】

"Ling Fei Sutra" in small regular script by Zhong Shaojing

"Ling Fei Sutra" in small regular script by Zhong Shaojing

"Ling Fei Sutra" in small regular script by Zhong Shaojing

"Ling Fei Sutra" in small regular script by Zhong Shaojing

"Ling Fei Sutra" in small regular script by Zhong Shaojing

This kind of realm is represented by Zhong Shaojing. This kind of aesthetic realm pursues the beauty of a kind of rigorous modeling. This kind of aesthetic realm requires thoughtful stippling, solid structure and ironing, rigorous brushwork, meticulousness, skillful thinking, dignified and well-proportioned. , taking neatness as the method, skill as the victory, proficiency as the ability, sharpness as the value, thus showing a dignified and serious artistic conception. Take a look at the small regular script ink of Zhong Shaojing's "Ling Fei Jing". It is vigorous and dignified, the characters are sparse and spread out, neat and precise, and the regular script is adhered to. The branches are white. Although it has the beauty of artificial cutting, it can also be uneven and neat. Although the changes in the structure of the characters have the beauty of artificial ironing, they can also have strange changes in the posture amidst the rigor of the law. The structure of the characters can be regarded as the best in small regular script, because this kind of small regular script is based on the law. It is extremely suitable for beginners to get started.

[Charm and beauty]

Zhao Mengfu's "Laozi's Tao Te Ching" in small regular script

Zhao Mengfu's "Laozi's Tao Te Ching" in small regular script

Zhao Mengfu's "Laozi's Tao Te Ching" in small regular script

Zhao Mengfu's "Laozi's Tao Te Ching" in small regular script

This kind of realm is represented by Zhao Mengfu. This kind of aesthetic realm pursues a kind of elegant and swaying, subtle and chic feminine beauty. This kind of aesthetic realm is represented by charming and beautiful appearance, fresh energy and vulgarity, gentleness and mellowness. Typical southern calligraphy style, take a look at Zhao Meng's small regular script, which is graceful and elegant, graceful and graceful, like a beautiful lady singing in the shadow of the moon. In fact, Mi Fu in the Song Dynasty, Wen Zhengming and Dong Qichang in the Ming Dynasty all had this state of mind.

【Strong and strong】

Huang Daozhou Xiaokai "The Classic of Filial Piety"

Huang Daozhou Xiaokai "The Classic of Filial Piety"

Huang Daozhou Xiaokai "The Classic of Filial Piety"

This kind of realm is represented by the Zodiac Zhou. What this kind of aesthetic realm pursues is a kind of masculine beauty that is steep, strong and powerful. This kind of aesthetic realm is typical of being honest and majestic, handsome and heroic, and strange and wanton. The Northern School calligraphy style of Huang Daozhou is characterized by thick stipples, dense knots, strange postures, upright and square folds, and is full of epigraphic charm. In fact, grandeur does not mean unbridled and rough, nor does it mean being tense and magnificent. The works have a strong personality and can give people an uplifting aesthetic feeling.