Huang Ziyuan (1837-1918), whose courtesy name was Jingyu and also nicknamed Dansou, was a native of Anhua, Hunan. Calligrapher and industrialist in the late Qing Dynasty. "Song of Righteousness" was written by Wen Tianxiang, a famous official in the Song Dynasty. The poem is impassioned and fully demonstrates his unyielding sentiment. Huang has imitated Yan style since the early Yuan Dynasty, and also imitated Liu style and European style. Although his calligraphy has been changed many times, he has learned from the strengths of other calligraphy styles and has become his own style. His calligraphy is neat and well-proportioned, and his book "Song of Righteousness" combines awe-inspiring righteousness into one, which shows that he has the essence of magnanimity and majesty.

【1】Song Wenxin’s song of national justice

【2】The heaven and earth have righteousness and are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are rivers and mountains, above

【3】is the sun star. To others, it is called Haoran, which is so abundant that it blocks the sky. Imperial Road

【4】When the barbarians are cleared, Hanhe Tu Ming Ting. When the time comes, we can see each other, one by one

【5】Pictures. In Qi Taishi bamboo slips, in Jin Dynasty Dong Hu's pen. In Qin Zhangliang

[6] Vertebral, in Suwu Festival of Han Dynasty. He was the head of General Yan and was bleeding for Ji Shi.

【7】It is Zhang Suiyang’s teeth and Yan Changshan’s tongue. Or Liaodong hat, Qing Dynasty

【8】Fuck Li Bingxue. Or to show off one's teachings, ghosts and gods weep heroically. or for

[9] Cross the river and swallow Hu Jie generously. Or in order to hit the thief's wat, the head will be raised backwards

【10】Broken. This is the majestic Qi that will last forever. when it lasts

【11】Moon, the theory of life and death. The earth depends on it to stand, and the sky pillar depends on it.

【12】Three cardinal principles are the basis of life, and morality is the root. Sigh to Tuanyangjiu, Li

【13】It is also weak. The prisoners of Chu wore their crowns and sent them to Qiongbei in chariots. Cauldron

【14】It's as sweet as sugar, but you can't get it if you ask for it. There is a ghost fire in the underworld, and the spring courtyard is closed

【15】It’s dark. The oxen and the oxen eat the same soap, and the chickens and phoenixes eat. Once upon a time it was foggy

[16] Dew, divided into barren ditches. In this case, no matter how cold or hot it is, all kinds of diseases will be easy to overcome.

【17】Alas, Ju Nauchang, for my peaceful country. How could he not be so clever and clever?

【18】Yang cannot be thieves. Looking up at this stubborn existence, I look up at the white floating clouds. long

【19】My heart is sad, and the sky is full of extremes. The day of the philosopher is far away, but the punishment is still here

【20】Long past. The wind eaves display books for reading, and the ancient roads illuminate their colors. Ding Chou Zhong Chun Yue

【21】Anhua Huang Ziyuan Jinglu